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tAxonomY Classification Expected Composition

Code for this study. In support of q2-clawback.

paycheck contains the cross-validation code.

analysis collates results.

figures-and-tables draws figures and generates tables.

Works with data found here and here.

The main results in the paper were obtained in the following fashion.

Install QIIME 2 and q2-clawback. Install paycheck by running

pip install git+

Download the Greengenes 13.8 reference data, which can also be found on the QIIME 2 site. Make some working directories

mkdir empo-3
cd empo-3
mkdir ref
mkdir sediment-non-saline

Copy the files rep_set/99_otus.fasta and taxonomy/99_otu_taxonomy.txt from Greengenes to the reference directory (ref). Now import them into QIIME 2 Artifacts and extract V4 reads:

cd ref
qiime tools import \
  --type 'FeatureData[Sequence]' \
  --input-path 99_otus.fasta \
  --output-path 99_otus.qza

qiime feature-classifier extract-reads \
  --i-sequences 99_otus.qza \
  --o-reads ref-seqs-v4.qza

qiime tools export \
  --input-path ref-seqs-v4.qza
  --output-path .

mv dna-sequences.fasta 99_otus_v4.fasta

Move into our working directory.

cd ../sediment-non-saline

Retrieve a dataset.


An updated dataset for the same data could alteratively be obtained by running

qiime clawback fetch-Qiita-samples \
  --p-metadata-key empo_3 \
  --p-metadata-value 'Sediment (non-saline)' \
  --p-metadata-value 'sediment (non-saline)' \
  --o-samples sediment-non-saline.qza \
  --p-context Deblur-Illumina-16S-V4-150nt-780653

See the q2-clawback tutorial for details.

Extract the sequence variant data.

qiime tools export \
  --input-path sediment-non-saline.qza \
  --output-path .

We can now run the cross-validation script.

mkdir results tmp
paycheck_cv \
  --empirical-samples feature-table.biom \
  --ref-seqs ../ref/99_otus_v4.fasta  \
  --ref-taxa ../ref/99_otu_taxonomy.txt \
  --results-dir results \
  --intermediate-dir tmp \
  --k 5 \
  --log-file results/log \
  --log-level DEBUG

If your machine has enough memory, you can use --n-jobs to accelerate the process.

The cross validation results should now be in bespoke70 and uniform70 subdirectories of results.

The above steps can be repeated for any of the EMPO 3 types in the paper.

Next we analyse the results. Change directories to wherever you keep git repositories, clone the paycheck repo, and launch a Jupyter notebook server in the analysis subdirectory. Note that Jupyter is included in your QIIME 2 installation.

git clone
cd paycheck/analysis
jupyter notebook

Now open the eval-empo-3-error-rate.ipynb notebook and change the values in the third cell to reflect he location of your empo-3 directory, the EMPO 3 types for which you have run the analysis, and the weights that you have tried. So far we have only run bespoke70 and uniform70, so truncate class_weights to only include those weights. If you have only run cross validation for Sediment (non-saline) you would truncate sample_types to only include sediment-non-saline.

Run the fourth cell to generate the eval_taxa_er.tsv result file.

The results can be visualised by running, for instance, the error-rate-vs-habitat.ipynb Jupyter notebook in the figures-and-tables subdirectory.

To calculate and visualise the other metrics presented in the paper, it is necessary to run the other paycheck-eval-* notebooks in the analysis subdirectory, followed by the required visualisation notebooks in the figures-and-tables subdirectory.

Finally, analysing the results for average taxonomic weights is somewhat more involved, because it requires that weights be drawn from all of the EMPO 3 habitats at once.

For this process, start by calculating the average weights for each EMPO 3 habitat. For example

cd empo-3/sediment-non-saline
qiime clawback sequence-variants-from-samples \
  --i-samples sediment-non-saline.qza \
  --o-sequences tmp/reads.qza
qiime feature-classifier classify-sklearn \
  --i-reads tmp/reads.qza \
  --i-classifier ../ref/uniform-classifier.qza \
  --p-confidence -1 \
  --o-classification tmp/classification.qza
qiime clawback generate-class-weights \
  --i-reference-taxonomy ../ref/99_otu_taxonomy.qza \
  --i-reference-sequences ../ref/99_otus_v4.qza \
  --i-samples sediment-non-saline.qza \
  --i-taxonomy-classification tmp/classification.qza \
  --o-class-weight results/weights.qza

The uniform-classifier.qza for the V4 region can be downloaded from the QIIME 2 website or trained im the standard way. See the q2-feature-classifier tutorial, which is available at the same site, for details.

Now, to calculate the average taxonomic weights resuls, start by telling the cross-validation script where to find the taxonomic weights for each EMPO3 habitat. This takes the form of a file that contains one file path on each line. For instance

cat > ../weights_files << END

Now, we can perform cross validation using average weihts by running

paycheck_cv_average \
  --ref-taxa ../ref/99_otu_taxonomy.txt \
  --ref-seqs ../ref/99_otus_v4.fasta \
  --weights ../weights_files \
  --exclude results/weights.qza \
  --obs-dir average \
  --results-dir results \
  --intermediate-dir tmp \
  --log-file results/log-average \
  --log-level DEBUG

This command will leave results in the results/average directory alongside bespoke70 and uniform70. Note that paycheck_cv must be run before running paycheck_cv_average as it uses the same cross-validation partitions.

The average results can now be analysed in the same way that we analysed bespoke and uniform results, above.


tAxonomY Classification Expected Composition







No packages published

Contributors 4

