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Repository files navigation


This is a simple web counter written in Go. It uses a SQLite database for its data; the path is counter.sqlite.

It's accessible on configured port if not cofigured then it will be accessible on default port 9776.

The counter responds to three possible paths:

/: The root, will respond with a 200 and a small JSON message.

/count: The text counter, with a required path query parameter for the path you're interested in. Does not increment on requests. For example: http://localhost:9776/count?

/count/counter.jpg: The counter image, with a required path query parameter for the path you're interested in. DOES increment on requests. For example: http://localhost:9776/count/counter.jpg?


Use environment variables to configure this.

  • COUNTER_FONT_DIR: The directory path where the font file lives. Defaults to the same directory as the binary.
  • COUNTER_FONT_FILE: The filename for the font. Defaults to Berylium.ttf.
  • COUNTER_IMAGE_WIDTH: The width of the counter image. Defaults to 200.
  • COUNTER_IMAGE_HEIGHT: The height of the counter image. Defaults to 50.
  • COUNTER_FONT_SIZE: The font size for the counter image. Defaults to 32.
  • COUNTER_BG_COLOR: The hex color for the background. Defaults to "#000000".
  • COUNTER_FONT_COLOR: The hex color for the font. Defaults to "#FFFFFF".
  • COUNTER_LOG_LEVEL: The log level to use. You can set it to debug, otherwise it uses info.
  • COUNTER_PORT: The port for the web counter. Defaults to 9776.

Running in Docker

If you run this via Docker, then remember to bind a volume for counter.sqlite!


A very simple web counter






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