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hparse is a Microformats 2 DOM parser written in JavaScript.

It natively supports the new prefix-based parsing rules of µf2, and provides a mechanism to important old, known µf1 vocabularies and parse them according to the rules of µf2.

Supported Parser Features

Struckthrough items are not implemented yet.

  • Microformats v2 parsing rules
  • Microformats v2 singleton objects
  • HTML5 pubdate as dtpublished mapping
  • HTML5 time element
  • HTML5 data element
  • Date-Time Pattern
  • Separated Date-Time Pattern
  • Value-Title Pattern
  • Parsing of image alt text
  • Markdown conversion for plain-text values.
  • Include Pattern
  • Include Pattern via Microdata itemref
  • Support for HTML tables


  • hparse requires a Browser-DOM compatible object Node, DOMElement, etc, but given that should function in both Browser and standalone environments.
  • hparse requires a number of ECMAScript 5 features ([].forEach, Object.keys, [].map, Node.nodeType enumeration) so will not function in Internet Explorer without also include an appropriate polyfill.
  • hparse does not require any additional JavaScript framework.


Instance Methods

new HParse(node)

Create a new instance of the parser.


Run the parser against the condifured node. Returns Results.


Returns all microformats parsed from the tree.


Returns only those microformats that standalone, and are not also a property value for a parent microformat. e.g. An element with root h-event would be returned, but the object for h-card p-organizer contained within would not.


Get a parsed microformat object by its id from the original document.

Results.getObjectsByMicroformat(type, includeSubProperties)

Returns all microforamts with a matching type (e.g. h-card, h-event). Pass true to also include microformats that are property values in other microformat objects.

Static Functions


Shorthand to instantiate a parser and return all standalone microformats from an object tree; returns Results.


Add a legacy microformat vocabulary to HParse to parse old, unprefixed microformats as if they were using the new syntax. See src/vocabularies for example mapping files.


Returns the current global parser settings. Change them by passing in an object with alternate values.


There are some other publicly exposed parsing and text converstion methods that are presently undocumented since they might change.


Global setting names, functions, show here with default values. To change a setting, use HParse.settings({ settingOne: true, settingTwo: false });. Settings are all boolean.

Parser Behvaiour Settings

  • parseSingletonRootNodes: true. Enable parsing of <a class=h-card ...><img src=#photo alt="Ben Ward"></a> as a full microformat with name, url and photo properties.
  • parsePubDateAttr: true. Enable parsing of the HTML <time> element pubdate attribute as .dt-published.
  • parseRelAttr: true: Enable parsing of rel attributes to the relationships collection.
  • parseItemRefAttr: true. Enable use of microdata's itemref attribute as per the include-pattern. Not implemented yet.
  • parseV1Microformats: false. Enable parsing of legacy syntax microformats as per microformats-2. Requires adding individual vocabularies with HParse.defineLegacyVocabulary.

Property Validation Settings

  • forceValidUrls: true. Filters u- URL property values for valid URLs only.
  • forceValidDates: true. Filtes dt- date time property values for valid ISO8610 dates only.

Text Output Settings

  • expandPlainTextUrls: true. When converting an <a> element to plain text in property output, include the URL in parantheses.
  • markdownPlainTextUrls: false. When expandPlainTextUrls is true, output URLs in plaintext using Markdown syntax, [Text]( "Title").
  • expandPlainTextAbbreviations: false. When converting an <abbr> to plain text, append the title expansion in parantheses.
  • markdownPlainTextPhrases: true. When converting <b>, <i>, <strong>, <em> and <code> phrases to plaintext, wrap in markdown syntax.
  • markdownPlainTextImages: false. When converting inline images to text, using Markdown syntax, ![Alt Text]( "Title") instead of the raw alt text.


A microformats 2.0 syntax parser in JavaScript







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