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karlncreate edited this page Jun 12, 2020 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the EscapeCOVID wiki!

                         **DEVELOPMENT FLOWCHART**


Hierarchy of program files:


Due Date: Wednesday June 17th, by midnight -only one team member needs to submit the file

NOTE Make sure team member names are identified on document in readme.txt file (added to resource Files folder in the project)

-Must apply inheritance and polymorphism in solution,

-Must have 5 TEST CASES of our application and MUST SHOW them in the demo

-Add some directions on how to play the game

-To implement graphics we may use: Unreal Engine, SFML, Qt, SDL, Allegro, DirectX, OpenGl...

-Needs to uploaded as a single zip file (2 header files, 3 source files .cpp)

           **GRADING CRITERIA** 300 points in total

-25pts - appropriate design and stye

-75pts - design and implementation

-100pts - implementation of graphics

-25pts - creativity and originality in implementation of game

-25pts - 5 test cases

-50pts - Demo

-50ptsBONUS - Implementation of network communication

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