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Loading OHLC data from a custom source

Benny Thadikaran edited this page Jun 1, 2024 · 1 revision

By default, Stock-pattern uses data from CSV files. It uses the Loader classes EODFileLoader and IEODFileLoader which are defined in the src/loaders folder.

Abstract Loader

The loader class implements the AbstractLoader class. It has just two methods get and close, and three properties. These must be defined and implemented by all loader classes.

Let's discuss the properties first.

timeframes: This is a dictionary of key-value pairs. The key is any value passed to the --tf CLI option. The value can be either offset strings used in pandas.DataFrame.resample or timeframe string passed to the web API.

timeframes = {"daily": "D", "weekly": "W-SUN", "monthly": "MS"}

tf: It is the currently active timeframe. It can be set during initialization, since it never changes during the script's lifetime.

closed: It indicates the current status of the loader. It is False on initialization. If True, the close method is never called.

AbstractLoader Methods

AbstractLoader class defines two methods. You're free to define additional helper methods as required.

get: This method takes a single parameter the symbol name. It returns the Pandas Dataframe. It may return None in case of any errors.

close: This method performs cleanup actions like closing a Database or TCP connection. The closed property must be set to True when called.

Create a custom Loader.

We can create a custom Loader to load data from the Bybit API using their official library Pybit.

Install Pybit

pip install pybit pycryptodome

Create the ByBitLoader class

Create a file named in src/loaders. Import AbstractLoader and create the ByBitLoader class implementing AbstractLoader.

Pointers to the below code:

  • I refered the ByBit docs and added the timeframes dictionary.
  • I initialize the pybit class while initializing ByBitLoader. Do not initialize or establish database connections within the get method.
  • The get method calls the pybit's get_kline method passing the necessary parameters.
  • The close method is not implemented since there is nothing to close. I have set the closed property to True, so close is never called.
from .AbstractLoader import AbstractLoader
from pybit.unified_trading import HTTP
from typing import Optional
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd

class ByBitLoader(AbstractLoader):
    timeframes = {
        "1": 1,
        "5": 5,
        "15": 15,
        "30": 30,
        "60": 60,
        "2h": 120,
        "4h": 240,
        "daily": "D",

    def __init__(
        config: dict,
        tf: Optional[str] = None,
        end_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
        period: int = 160,

        self.closed = True
        self.period = period = config.get("DEFAULT_TF", "daily") if tf is None else tf

        self.interval = self.timeframes[]

        # Initialise Pybit
        self.session = HTTP(testnet=True)

        # Define columns for DataFrame
        self.columns = (

    def get(self, symbol: str) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]:
        result = self.session.get_kline(
            symbol=symbol.upper(), interval=self.interval, limit=self.period

        df = pd.DataFrame(
            result["result"]["list"], columns=self.columns, dtype="float32"

        df["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Date"], unit="ms")

        df.set_index("Date", inplace=True)

        return df.iloc[::-1]

    def close(self):
        """Not required here as nothing to close"""

Once you have completed writing the Loader class, add it to your user.json as below.

  "DATA_PATH": "~/Documents/python/eod2/src/eod2_data/daily",
  "SYM_LIST": "~/Documents/python/stock-pattern/src/data.csv",
  "POST_SCAN_PLOT": true,
  "LOADER": "ByBitLoader"

Finally, run

py --sym btcusdt --tf 60 -p all

The above code is a minimal and barebones implementation.

  • There is no error handling,
  • No API throttling. Stock-pattern uses multiple processes to execute, which could exceed ByBits API limits. Use a library like ratelimit to implement throttling.
  • No caching mechanism. The get will get called twice, once during the scan and when plotting the charts. It means two network requests.