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Ben edited this page Oct 24, 2018 · 2 revisions
  • Go to and create a new App

  • Scroll down and click on "Create a Bot User"

  • Reveal the Token and copy-paste it into the botToken="..." field in the betterdiscordbridge.conf

  • Add the bot to your server: Find the Client ID of the new App, and replace the CLIENTID in the following link with your bot's client ID in (for example, if you bot's Client ID is 168682538028630017, your link would be client_id=168682538028630017&scope=bot), select Your Server from the drop-down menu, and Authorize. You must have the Manage Server permission to add a bot to a server!

  • On Server Settings, in Roles, create a New Role named e.g. "bot", give it the Manage Channels permission, and in Members grant your Bot that role.

  • Enable Discord Developer Mode and copy-paste the channel ID you want to use into the global config option in the channels section of the config

  • Configure the rest of the stuff you want and restart the server

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