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WaniKani Wallpaper Generator

A wallpaper generator for WaniKani, with pretty colors to display your wonderful progress.

See the WaniKani Community Page for more information.

Access it here:

How to Run This Locally

This is a beginner's guide to running this on Windows. You can ask for help on the community page for instructions with Mac and Linux. This will not run on ChromeOS.

Part 1 - XAMPP

  1. Install XAMPP for Windows. (These instructions assume that you install it at C:\xampp)
  2. Open Notepad, and edit the file C:\xampp\php\php.ini. Search for extension=gd and make sure the line does not have a semicolon ; in front of it. Save the file.
  3. Open the XAMPP Control Panel as an administrator, found at C:\xampp\xampp-control.exe.
  4. Click the Start button to the right of "Apache".
  5. Click the red X to the left of "Apache" to install the Apache service.

Part 2 - This App

  1. Download the source code
  2. Extract the folder to C:\xampp\htdocs
  3. Rename the WaniKani-Wallpaper-Generator-master folder to something nice and short, like wkw
  4. Open your browser to http://localhost/wkw

How to Contribute

Do you want to help make this tool even better?

If you have an idea but don't know how to code, then please share on the WaniKani Community Page. I would still like to hear from you!

If you do know how to code, then read the Code Walkthrough and email me so we can get to work :)

Change Log

May 30, 2020 - Added to VCS, major refactors, and open source'd.

June 15, 2019 - Public release 2

December 22, 2018 - Public release 1 (deprecated)


  • PHP 7.1+ with GD
  • Apache


  • The latest version of XAMPP

Code Walkthrough

This section explains every file and folder to get you familiar with the code.

  • All front-end traffic goes through here because of the rules in .htaccess.
  • It includes config.php and all the files in /includes/, and then passes control to router.php.
  • The line define("INDEX", true) helps prevent other pages from being accessed directly.
  • Other scripts can include this file without invoking the router by defining NO_ROUTE.
  • Contains configuration information.
    • Defines constants for paths and other configuration information.
    • Sets time zone and session path.
  • It passes control to some other file based on $_GET["_url"] and $_SESSION.
    • $_GET["_url"] is set from .htaccess's rewrite rules.

Contains the pages and sub-pages seen by the user in the front-end, as well as virtual pages that are only functional.

Contains functions that are used elsewhere.

  • helpers.php - Adds basic functionality to PHP

    Function Declarations
    clamp($var, $min, $max)
    interpolate($a, $b, $weight)
    imagecolorallocate_from_hex($image, $hex)
    file_put_prepended($string, $filename)
    file_put_json($file, $array)
  • error_handling.php - Puts errors in /data/errors

    Function declarations
    log_error($msg, $line, $file)
  • wanikani.php - Making API requests

    Function declarations
    wanikani_request($endpoint, $api_key, $raw_response=false)
  • users.php - Everything related to users

    Function declarations
    log_in_user($api_key, $device)
    get_user_settings($api_key, $device)
    save_user_settings($api_key, $device, $settings)
    user_settings_file($api_key, $device)
    prepare_user_folder($api_key, $username)
  • presets.php - Everything related to presets.

    Function declarations

    The last four functions define the order that presets appear in the front-end. The last function includes extra information to describe the kanji sets.

  • post.php - Contains functions used to filter and validate $_POST input.

    Function declarations
  • image.php - Contains exit functions that output an image instead of text.

    Function declarations

Contains resources that are not directly presented to the end-user:

  • Font files
  • Error graphic files
  • SSL certificate file

Contains resources that are directly presented to the end-user:

  • 3rd-party files (see their licenses here)
    • jQuery / jQuery UI
    • Spectrum Colorpicker
    • randomColor.js
  • CSS files
  • JS files
  • Images

These are data files that define the Fonts, Color Schemes, Kanji Sets ('orders'), and Screen Presets.

  • Color Schemes

    • Each file looks like the following example.
    • Example: color-schemes/Default.txt
    • c_background:      #000000
      c_unseen:          #303030
      c_apprentice:      #DD0093
      c_guru:            #882D9E
      c_master:          #294DDB
      c_enlightened:     #0093DD
      c_burned:          #FFFFFF
      c_section_titles:  #10cafe
      c_wallpaper_title: #cafe10
  • Fonts

    • Line 1: Font file name, as found in /assets/fonts
    • Line 2: Source download location
    • Example: fonts/Komorebi Gothic.txt
  • Kanji Sets ("Orders")

    • These define the order of kanji as they appear on the wallpaper, hence the name "orders".
    • These files are presently as-is to the end-user via order.php. When used to generate wallpapers, the following rules apply:
      • Line 1 is ignored
      • Blank lines are ignored
      • Lines that start with # are ignored
      • Lines that have : split sections
        • Section markers are optional (i.e. some sets don't have sections)
        • Section markers can be on their own line or with kanji, for example:
          Section 1 (own line):
          Section 2 (in-line with kanji): 晶品呂昌早世胃旦胆凹
  • Screen Presets

    • Contains the dimensions and margins of various screens.
    • Example: screen-presets/iPad Pro 10.5-inch.txt
      width:  1668
      height: 2224
      top:    20
      left:   20
      right:  20
      bottom: 20
  • WaniKani Kanji Cache

    • all-wk-kanji.txt contains the kanji from WaniKani with their subject ID. This file should be regenerated whenever WaniKani has a content update.

These are files that are created as the app is used.

  • Users

    • A folder with files is created for each user with their API key. For example:
      • 12345678-abcd-aaaa-1234-0123456789ab
        • generations.txt - A new line is prepended to this file each time a wallpaper is attempted to be generated. It contains the time and remote IP of each request.
          • Example:
          • 1590773902|
        • settings-__.txt - Replace __ with a number from 1 to 10 for the device #. Contains the user settings, JSON-encoded.
        • username.txt - Contains the user's username.
          • Example:
          • Masayoshiro
  • Sessions

    • Session data is stored here. To log everyone out, empty this folder.
  • Errors

    • Errors are stored here.

This contains admin tools. Navigate your browser to this folder to access the tools. It is password-protected by an empty folder inside the /secret/password directory.

  • Contains further documentation. You can ignore these.