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Trader Four Column Bento Grid Component Usage Guide


Welcome to the FourColTrader component, designed by Aaron Besson and built with This guide will walk you through adding the FourColTrader component to your Next.js project.

Component Overview

Installation and Usage

Follow these steps to integrate the FourColTrader component into your Next.js project:

  1. Copy Component Code:

    • Copy the entire contents of the FourColTrader component file.
  2. Create a New File:

    • Paste the copied code into a new file in your project.
    • Ensure the file extension is .js.
  3. Install Required Packages:

    • Run the following command to install necessary dependencies:
      npm install react-chartjs-2 chart.js heroicons tailwindcss
  4. Import the Component:

    • Import FourColTrader into the file where you want to use it.
  5. Customize the Component:

    • Modify the component as needed to suit your project requirements.
  6. Optional - Use Demo Data:

    • If you wish to use the same chart data as the demo, copy the necessary subcomponents from the /subcomponents folder.

Component Structure

The FourColTrader component is structured as follows:

  • Main component: FourColTrader
  • Subcomponents included:
    • BitCoinChart
    • DoughnutChart
    • BarChartDemo
    • EthChart
  • Utilizes icons from @heroicons/react/20/solid

Additional Information

  • The component includes a variety of charts and UI elements, making it versatile for different data visualizations.
  • It's styled with TailwindCSS for easy customization and responsiveness.
  • You can further explore its functionalities and see it in action on the website.

Thank you for choosing Trader Bento Grid starter kit for your project. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out via the provided links.


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