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109 lines (99 loc) · 6.53 KB

File metadata and controls

109 lines (99 loc) · 6.53 KB


EventParserForFacebook is a parser for the event section of Facebook Pages (e.g. GitHub events on Facebook).

EventParserForFacebook parses the HTML-Structure of the Facebook pages and extracts the events as JSON or HTML. Optionally the HTML can be uploaded to a Wordpress website. You can scan multiple pages at once and publish all events on one WordPress website.

Build status


Imagine that you have multiple subdivisions in your association and all of them publish their events on their own Facebook pages. You have the lucky task to inform your members about all new events. You could visit the Facebook pages regularly and grab the events.

Or you use this tool and generate a dashboard about all events on one website with automatic updates :)

HowTo Use

  1. Download Release binary (available for Windows, Linux, Raspberry Pi and MacOS)
  2. Start FacebookEventParser once. An empty config file will be generated
  3. Modify the config file (see section below)
  4. Run FacebookEventParser regularly

HowTo Config

The config is located next to the executables. It is called 'config.yaml'

- NameDesVerbandes: Stadt Dortmund
  NameDerFacebookPage: dortmund
- NameDesVerbandes: Zoo Dortmund
  NameDerFacebookPage: ZooDortmund
WriteEventsAsHtmlToFile: true
WriteEventsAsJsonToFile: true

UploadEventsToWordpressWebsite: false
  Username: InsertWordpressUsernameHere
  Password: InsertWordpressPasswordHere
  BaseUrl: InsertWordpressUrlHere
WordpressPageId: 0

EnableTelegramBotIntegration: false


Setting Name Explanation
FacebookWebsites The list of Facebook events pages which the parser should visit. You can add multiple pages here.
- NameDesVerbandes Display Name for the Facebook Page in the generated HTML
- NameDerFacebookPage Name of the Facebook Event page. Example: You want to parse so you should enter GitHub here
WriteEventsAsHtmlToFile true: An HTML-File is generated. Contains all events in a HTML-Format
WriteEventsAsJsonToFile true: An .json-File is generated. Contains all events in a JSON-Format
UploadEventsToWordpressWebsite true: Uploads the HTML to your WordPress-Website
WordPressCredentials Necessary if UploadEventsToWordpressWebsite is set to true
- Username WordPress Username
- Password WordPress Password
- BaseUrl URL of the front page of your WordPress Website
WordpressPageId If of the page where your events should be published. Necessary if UploadEventsToWordpressWebsite is set to true
EnableTelegramBotIntegration true: You will get a notification on Telegram when the parser is running :)
TelegramBotToken Telegram Token from the Bot Father. Necessary if UploadEventsToWordpressWebsite is set to true



    "AssociationName": "Stadt Dortmund",
    "FacebookDesktopUrl": "",
    "Events": [
        "Title": "RUND UMS U - Die Dortmunder Partynacht! Samstag, 14. März 2020",
        "TimeStart": "2020-03-14T21:00:00",
        "Location": "Dortmund - Meine Stadt",
        "City": "Dortmund"
        "Title": "Stadtfest DortBunt! 2020",
        "TimeStart": "2020-05-10T00:00:00",
        "Location": "Dortbunt",
        "City": "Dortmund"
    "AssociationName": "Zoo Dortmund",
    "FacebookDesktopUrl": "",
    "Events": []


<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6 inner">
<h3>RUND UMS U - Die Dortmunder Partynacht! Samstag, 14. März 2020</h3>
<div class="text-left"><span class="h4 small">Datum:</span> 14.03.2020</div>
<div class="text-left"><span class="h4 small">Uhrzeit:</span> 21:00</div>
<div class="text-left"><span class="h4 small">Ort:</span> Dortmund, Dortmund - Meine Stadt</div>
<div class="text-left"><span class="h4 small">Veranstalter:</span> Stadt Dortmund</div>
<div class="text-left"><span class="h4 small">Weitere Infos:</span> <a href="" target="_blank">Auf Facebook</a></div>
<div class="col-sm-6 inner">
<h3>Stadtfest DortBunt! 2020</h3>
<div class="text-left"><span class="h4 small">Datum:</span> 10.05.2020</div>
<div class="text-left"><span class="h4 small">Uhrzeit:</span> Keine Information</div>
<div class="text-left"><span class="h4 small">Ort:</span> Dortmund, Dortbunt</div>
<div class="text-left"><span class="h4 small">Veranstalter:</span> Stadt Dortmund</div>
<div class="text-left"><span class="h4 small">Weitere Infos:</span> <a href="" target="_blank">Auf Facebook</a></div>
<br><div class="text-muted small">Diese Übersicht fasst die Termine von Stadt Dortmund und Zoo Dortmund zusammen.</div>