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News App

NewsApp allows users to follow current news anytime, anywhere and helps users to easily save news and get the news they want quickly.

The news application called "NewsApp" is a customizable and user-friendly news application that provides users with the latest news instantly. Users can search for news topics they want within the application and save the news. If they save news, the application provides easy access to the saved news and users can read it whenever they want.

(My purpose of developing this app is to learn jetpack compose.)

Technologies Used

  • Jetpack Compose
  • MVVM
  • Corutines
  • LiveData
  • Room
  • Dagger Hilt
  • Retrofit
  • Navigation
  • LottieFiles

API Usage

  • Base Url:

  • To get all news:
    @GET v2/top-headlines
Parameter Type Explanation
country string to get the news in that country.
apiKey string Necessary. Your API key.

  • To get a list of desired news in the search result:
    @GET v2/everything
Parameter Type Explanation
q string The searched word is entered here.
apiKey string Necessary. Your API key.

  • To reach the details of the desired news:
    @GET v2/everything
Parameter Type Explanation
q string The title of the news is entered here.
apiKey string Necessary. Your API key.


Splash Screen Splash Screen Home Screen Detail Screen
Search Screen Save Screen (Empty) Save Screen


To download the project

  1-Press the green "Code" button at the top right of this page.
  2-Click on Download ZIP
  3-Extract the ZIP and open it to Android Studio

As an alternative

You can directly download the ZIP by clicking the link here.

Find a bug?

If you found an issue or would like to submit an improvement to this project, please submit an issue using the issues tab above. Thank you very much.


NewsApp With Compose






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