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Flutter native bindings to LAME (MP3 encoder), bundled with LAME source code.

Unlike dart_lame, your don't need to provide prebuilt libraries by yourself. The bundled LAME source code will be built as part of the Flutter Runner build.


final File f = File("output.mp3");
final IOSink sink = f.openWrite();
final LameMp3Encoder encoder = LameMp3Encoder(sampleRate: 44100, numChannels: 2);

Float64List leftChannelSamples;
Float64List rightChannelSamples;
// Get samples from file or from microphone.

final mp3Frame = await encoder.encode(
  leftChannel: leftChannelSamples,
  rightChannel: rightChannelSamples);
// continue until all samples have been encoded

// finally, flush encoder buffer
final lastMp3Frame = await encoder.flush();

For a complete example, please go to /example folder.