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Repository files navigation


This repository contains code for visualization of breadcrumbs as seen in the ecommerce websites.

What are breadcrumbs navigation?

Breadcrumb Navigation is a form of site navigation that shows visitors where they are on a site's hierarchy of pages without having to examine a URL structure

How to create the visualization?

Put all the breadcrumb navigation in a text file. Every breadcrumb navigation should be in a new line.

  1. Install anytree package from pip. Run the command pip install anytree

  2. Run the python program with the following command python --inputFilePath breadcrumbs.txt --sep "/" --nodetoexport "Home"

    Argument Explanation:

    1. --inputFilePath - Input file containing new line delimited breadcrumb navigations
    2. --sep - Separator between the nodes of a breadcrumb navigation
    3. --nodetoexport - which node and it's corresponding children to export to json format
  3. After you run the python file, 2 json files are generated.

    1. data.json - Json representation of the tree
    2. error_records.json - breadcrumb navigations that encountered Error during it's adding/conversion to the tree
  4. Run a python server from the current working directory where index.html and data.json is found. Run the command - python -m http.server

  5. Open http://localhost:8000/ to view the visualization

Functionalities supported:

  1. Search Node - Searches a given node in whole tree
  2. Highlight Navigation Path to the node from the root

The visualization for the sample data in the repository can be found at -