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Running in Puma dev or Pow

Robin Daugherty edited this page Nov 15, 2019 · 1 revision

Puma-dev is a great tool for running multiple projects on your development machine. It provides an SSL certificate so you can develop on SSL (just like production) while also allowing you to use different development hostnames for each of your applications, so you can run easily multiple applications at once.

Puma-dev runs each application in its own process, or you can use it to proxy connections to your application running on a non-standard port.

When puma-dev is responsible for running your application, in some cases, your environment variables are not copied to each application's process, which can break the auto-detection of your preferred editor.

To fix this, you can add the following line to ~/.powconfig (used by both puma-dev and the old Pow):

export EDITOR=mate

(Or replace mate with your preferred editor's command-line tool.)

Note that the command you provide here will not affect your terminal sessions, since it only sets the environment variable inside of the puma-dev environment.

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