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New Relic API Parser

Getting Started

  • Prerequisites

    • Python >= 3.6.x
    • pip
  • Installation

    $ pip install newrelic-api-parser
  • Examples

    • Calling the insights API
    # import the class
    from NewRelicApiParser.Insights import Insights
    query_key = 'NRIQ-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    # Call the api by passing the query key
    # pass the account ID and the query you want to execute
    .query(<account_id>, nrql='SELECT * from PageView')

Available Methods

  • For REST APIs
Class Method Params Description
AlertsConditions get_list policy_id return the list of alert conditions for the provided policy id
AlertsEvents get_list N.A. return the list of alert events
AlertsPolicies get_list N.A. return the list of policies for the alerts
AlertsViolation get_list N.A. return the list of alert violations
Applications get_list N.A. return the list of apm applications
Applications show app_id returns the detail of an application based on the app id passed
Applications delete app_id delete an apm app on new relic based on the app id passed
BrowserApplications get_list N.A. return the list of browser applications
BrowserApplications create browser_application_name returns the detail of a browser application based on the application name passed
Plugins get_list N.A. return the list of plugins
Plugins show app_id returns the detail of a plugin based on the app id passed
  • For Insights API
Module Method Params Description
Insights query account_id, nrql execute the passed new relic query and return the data
  • For GraphQl API
Module Method Params Description
GraphQlApi query request_body execute the passed new relic graph ql query and return the data



  • The package is under development and will be prone to more frequent updates