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For UI testing

Project components used - Java, Maven, Testng, log4j

How to use execute this project - execute by importing it in IDE or execute it from CMD


  1. Follow all the steps as mentioned in Reference -


per-req: You should have java and maven installed in yr machine, check by executing below command in cmd java -version mvn - version Steps to follow:

  1. Go to the project directory, where you testng.xml is present and to execute write below command in cmd - mvn test
  2. This command will execute all the test classes mentioned in the testng.xml
  3. For any problem faced, try to clean maven - mvn clean install. It should solve the maximum issue.

Execution results


  1. Navigate to your project directory XX/qa-test-finreach/test-output/index.html and open the html page #emailable-report
  2. Navigate to your project directory XX/qa-test-finreach/test-output/emailable-report.html and open the html page

logging framework - log4j used

Configurable properties files - location XX/qa-test-finreach/

  1. It has components for driver to use during UI test cases, url and screenshot folder.

Browser option (Browser factory)- Chrome and Firefox

  1. It can be configured from before tests.

Parallel mode of TestNG

  1. You can configure the execution of parallel mode by configuring thread-count in testng.xml
  2. Default value: thread-count="1"
  3. Please do cosider perfomance of web site before configuring this value.

##Listeners used - ITestListener & ITestResult

  1. Its configurable from location - XX\qa-test-finreach\src\com\finreach\tests\
  2. By Default - ITestListener


  1. All libraries used are configured in pom.xml with description why they are being used.


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