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A Task Manager to manage your tasks

Create a new task.

POST	http://localhost:9000/tasks  
BODY 	{      
	 "name": "alerts_feature_addition_3",
	 "description": "adding a button to ui for alerts/incident tab",
	 "created_by": "Bhuvan",
	 "assignee": "Amar",
	 "status": "in-progress",
	 "severity": "l1"	

Read all the available tasks

GET 		http://localhost:9000/tasks

Read task by id.

GET 		http://localhost:9000/tasks/AOC_8

Update the existing task using id.

POST 		http://localhost:9000/tasks/AOC_11/update

BODY 	{      
	 "name": "alerts_feature_addition_3",
	 "description": "adding a button to ui for alerts/incident tab",
	 "created_by": "Bhuvan",
	 "assignee": "Amar",
	 "status": "in-progress",
	 "severity": "l1"	

Delete the existing task.

DELETE 		http://localhost:9000/tasks/AOC_1