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Version 1.0.0

This is a RESTFUL API that manages personal contacts of the user and maps every single contact to its owner with their specific images respectively.


I am blessed to be surrounded by many extraordinary people in my life.Without them, it would not be possible for me to do what I do and advance in my mission of being an apristine Software Craftsman. I am deeply grateful.

I must offer special thanks to:

Whom I count on in so very many ways and whose enthusiasm for software development always inspires me.

API Reference

Get all contacts

  GET contacts/
Parameter Type Description
auth_token string Required. Your Authentication credentials.

Get one contact

  GET /contacts/${id}
Parameter Type Description
id integer Required. Id of the contact to fetch


  • Login
  • Authorize Token Verification
  • Auth Token is generates a token once supplied with appropriate user details.
  • Create user(s) with UUID and auth-token(s)
  • Create contact mapped to a specific user via the autogenerated UUID
  • Returns a refresh and access JSON web token pair based on the served set of user credentials to prove their authentication.
  • Takes a refresh JSON web token and returns an access type JSON web token if the refresh token is valid.
  • Token verify takes a token and indicates if it is valid.It doesn't provide additional information about a token's fitness for a narrowed down use.


This project impliments the follwing layers:

1. Presentation Layer

This represents logic that consume the user logic from the Usecase Layer and renders to the view. Here you can choose to render the view in either swagger or redoc

2. Application Layer

The application specific logic lives here, this includes interfaces, views, serializers, models etc.

Patterns Used

  • 12 Factor App

The project has been structured as a 12 factor app. For detailed exploration check the link

  • Unit of Work Pattern

This pattern coordinates the writing out of changes made to objects using the repository pattern.

For more details se e,or%20fail%20as%20one%20unit.

Local Development

  1. Create and activate a virtual environment:
 $ python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate
  1. Clone the chapiana-api project
  git clone
  1. Navigate to the chapiana-api directory
  cd src
  1. Install the requirements:
 (venv)$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
  1. Configure the specified environment variables below in an file:
  export  DATABASE_URL=postgresql://<user>:<pass>@localhost/<database>
  export  TEST_DATABASE_URL=sqlite:////tmp/dev.db
  export  SECRET_KEY=not-so-secret

  export GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID= provided by Google
  export GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET= provided by Google
  1. Source the environment variables.
  (venv)$ source
  1. Stage the database migrations.
  (venv)$ python3 makemigrations
  1. Apply the database migrations.
  (venv)$ python3 migrate
  1. Start the server
  (venv)$ $ python3 runserver 
  1. Register and login. Navigate to:

Tech Stack

  • Python 3.8.10
  • Django 4.0.1
  • Django Rest Framework 3.13.1
  • Django Unittesting
  • Selenium 4.1.0
  • Docker
  • Ansible

Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command from the projects root:

  (venv)$ coverage run test


The application has been deployed to Heroku.

The deployment has been set and scaled via CI/CD.

  • The deployment is defined in .gitlab-ci.yml.
  • It has 8 jobs which include install_dependencies,build-client, migrations, connect code-test, deploy-to-staging, deploy-to-production, and deploy-to-release.
  • The repository has three branches dev, prod and release.
  • Feature branches are merged into dev which points to the prod branch.
  • The deployment has six stages prepare , build, test, develop, deploy and confidence-check.
  • The application is built from the Docker image and pushed to Heroku
  • The codebase tests under the test stage are run and if there is a failure then the next stage will not be executed.
  • There are two jobs that run under the deploy stage, the first one runs on prod branch and deploys the code to a production-A environment, the second one runs on release branch and deploys the code to a production-B environment.


  • Ensure GitLab Pipepilnes are working
  • Solve the bug issues arising int the CI/CD.
  • Ensure tests are running appropriately.
  • Deploy Chapiana-api on the stated environments.


Want to see the contactapi application in action?.

Register and Login

Lessons Learned

Developing RESTFUL API's integrated with unittesting test and functional testing.

Packagerized Project

You can find the chapiana-api as a package on Python Package Index testing plaftorm.Use the following link to download:

You can also use the following commands:

pip install -i




Chapiana-api is an address book software program.







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