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Robert Bossy edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 1 revision



Syntax parsing with CCG Parser.


org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.ccg.CCGParser applies the CCG Parser to sentences specified as annotations from the sentenceLayerName layer. Sentence words are specified by annotations in the wordLayerName layer. For each sentence, only words entirely included in the sentence will be considered; WoSMig and SeSMig should create these layers with the appropriate annotations. Additionally CCGParser takes advantage of word POS tag specified in the posFeatureName feature.

org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.ccg.CCGParser creates a relation named relationName in each section and a tuple in this relation for each dependency. This relation is ternary:

  1. sentenceRole: the first argument is the sentence in which the dependency was found;
  2. headRole: the second argument is the head word of the dependency;
  3. dependentRole: the third argument is the dependent word of the dependency.

org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.ccg.CCGParser adds to each dependency tuple a feature linkageNumberFeature with the linkage number to which begongs the tuple, and a feature dependencyLabelFeature with the label of the dependency.



Type: ExecutableFile

Path to the CCG Parser executable.


Type: InputDirectory

Path to the parser model file.


Type: InputDirectory

Path to the CCG supertagger model file.


Type: Mapping

Constant features to add to each relation created by this module


Type: Mapping

Constant features to add to each tuple created by this module


Type: InputFile

Path to the markedup script for Stanford tagset output. See Biomedical parsing for CCG.


Type: ExecutableFile

Post-processing script for Stanford tagset output. See Biomedical parsing for CCG.

Default value: dependent

Type: String

Name of the role that denote the dependent word in the dependency tuple.

Default value: true

Type: Expression

Only process document that satisfy this filter.

Default value: form

Type: String

Name of the feature containing the word surface form.

Default value: head

Type: String

Name of the role that denote the head word in the dependency tuple.

Default value: UTF-8

Type: String

Character encoding of CCG tools input and output.

Default value: label

Type: String

Name of the feature containing the dependency label.

Default value: false

Type: Boolean

Either to translate into LP tag-set.

Default value: 1

Type: Integer

Maximal number of CCG runs.

Default value: 500000

Type: Integer

Maximum number of supercats before the parse explodes (cited from CCG documentation).

Default value: pos

Type: String

Name of the feature containing the word POS tag.

Default value: dependencies

Type: String

Name of the relation containing dependencies.

Default value: boolean:and(true, boolean:and(nav:layer:sentences(), nav:layer:words()))

Type: Expression

Process only sections that satisfy this filter.

Default value: true

Type: Expression

Process only sentences that satisfy this filter.

Default value: sentences

Type: String

Name of the layer containing sentence annotations.

Default value: sentence

Type: String

Name of the role that denote the sentence to which belongs a dependency tuple.

Default value: words

Type: String

Name of the layer containing word annotations.

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