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HanasuAI Chatbot for Twitch

HanasuAI is a bot for translating text messages using the deepl API. The bot automatically detects the language of the message and translates it into the language specified with the command. HanasuAI also has an auto-translating function. The bot translates every message into Japanese or English, depending on what language was used in the message.

tmi.js Version

Install NodeJS

  • Install nodejs
  • Download this repository
  • Rename example_config.json -> config.json; example_channelconfig.json -> channelconfig.json
  • Edit config.json and channelconfig.json
  • Run node hanasuAI.js

Install Docker

  • Download / Copy the docker-compose.yml into a folder if your choice recommended
  • Create or copy the config.js and channelconfig.js into the same folder as the docker-compose.yml
  • Edit both config files
  • Run docker compose up -d

Commands List

Supported Languages

Set supportet languages in the config.js file. Edit the languageMappings Object. The key is the command that HanasuAI understands. The value is the language code for the deepl API.


const languageMappings = {
	'jp': 'JA',

The Command for the Twitch chat would be !jp for translation into JA (Japanese).


Command Cescription Usage
!stats Send the number of translations of the channel !stats
!jstats Send the number of translations of the channel in Japanese !jstats
!statsg Send the number of translations across all channel !statsg
!jstatsg Send the number of translations across all channel in Japanese !jstatsg
!infoen shows a "how to use" message in English !infoen
!infojp shows a "how to use" message in Japanese !infojp


Command Description Usage
!hanasu A command to check if the bot is running + shows uptime !hanasu
!ignoreuser adds or removes a user from the ignore list. The user can't use the bot anymore. !ignoreuser <username>
!banword adds or removes a word that will not be translated anymore !banword <word>
!autouser enabled autotranslation for a specific user !autouser <name>
!automode enables or disables the auto-translation feature !automode


Command Description Usage
!defaultlanguage changes the language autotranslate will translate into !defaultlanguage eng
!it enables or disables the use of the /me command on twitch !it


Command Description Usage
!shutdown Shutdown the bot !shutdown
!api Sends Deepl API usage to chat !api
!broadcast Sends a message to every channel that uses HanasuAI !broadcast <text>
!joinchannel Activates the bot on a twitch channel aka joins it !joinchannel <channelname>
!removechannel Removes the bot from a twitch channel !removechannel <channelname>


  • I get the message: "error: No response from Twitch."

If this is the case, either your TmiConf (oauth token in confog.json) is incorrect or you have a typo in your channel name. (channelconfig.json)

List of requirements


Translate bot for twitch using Deepl API




