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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Generic Backoffice

A generic web site/application back-office. Using:

  • Web API (OWIN).
  • OData Open Type.
  • Angular 4 (CLI).

This is a natural consequence of the Generic OData Web API Controller project. So, after following the steps on that project, these were executed:

  1. Add databases (folders) to OData Path.

    The purpose is to have different types of data:

    • Admin data: Users and roles
    • Backoffice data: Metadata of the editable data.
    • Actual data.

    For that, each type of data will be in its own folder, semantically, database like in Azure Cosmos DB.

    At this point (I had to), changed the project language version to C# 7.0 and add System.ValueTuple NuGet package.

    1. Change DynamicPathHandler to accept an extra segment:

      using System;
      using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
      using System.Web.OData.Routing;
      using System.Web.OData.Routing.Template;
      namespace GenericBackoffice.infrastructure
          public class DynamicPathHandler : DefaultODataPathHandler
              private static Regex _pathRegex = new Regex(@"^(?:([^/]+)\/)?([^/(\\?%]+)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
              public override ODataPath Parse(string serviceRoot, string odataPath, IServiceProvider requestContainer)
                  return base.Parse(serviceRoot, _pathRegex.Replace(odataPath, "data"), requestContainer);
              public override ODataPathTemplate ParseTemplate(string odataPathTemplate, IServiceProvider requestContainer)
                  return base.ParseTemplate(odataPathTemplate, requestContainer);
              internal static (string, string) GetDatabaseCollection(string path)
                  var match = _pathRegex.Match(path);
                  var database = string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups[1].Value) ? "public" : match.Groups[1].Value;
                  var collection = match.Groups[2].Value;
                  return (database, collection);
      • "public" is the default database so it can be omitted.
    2. Change DataProvider to accept a database (folder):

      using GenericBackoffice.models;
      using Newtonsoft.Json;
      using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
      using System;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using System.IO;
      using System.Web.Hosting;
      namespace GenericBackoffice.infrastructure
          internal static class DataProvider
              public static IEnumerable<GenericItem> GetItems(string database, string collection)
                  var folderPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath($"~/App_Data/{database}/{collection}");
                  if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath))
                      yield break;
                  foreach (var filePath in Directory.GetFiles(folderPath))
                      yield return ReadItem(filePath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath));
              public static GenericItem GetItem(string database, string collection, string id)
                  var filePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath($"~/App_Data/{database}/{collection}/{id}.json");
                  if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                      return null;
                  return ReadItem(filePath, id);
              public static DataResult SaveItem(string database, string collection, GenericItem item)
                      var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item.DynamicProperties);
                      var filePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath($"~/App_Data/{database}/{collection}/{}.json");
                      if (File.Exists(filePath))
                      File.WriteAllText(filePath, json);
                      return DataResult.Successul;
                  catch (Exception ex)
                      return DataResult.Fail(ex);
              public static DataResult DeleteItem(string database, string collection, string id)
                      var filePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath($"~/App_Data/{database}/{collection}/{id}.json");
                      return DataResult.Successul;
                  catch (Exception ex)
                      return DataResult.Fail(ex);
              private static GenericItem ReadItem(string filePath, string id)
                  var fileContent = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
                  return new GenericItem
                      id = id,
                      DynamicProperties = ConvertDynamicProperties(id, JObject.Parse(fileContent))
              private static IDictionary<string, object> ConvertDynamicProperties(string id, JObject token)
                  var result = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                  if (null == token)
                      return result;
                  foreach (var prop in token?.Properties())
                      if (null == prop.Value) continue;
                      result[prop.Name] = ConvertValue(prop.Name, id, prop.Value);
                  return result;
              private static object ConvertValue(string propertyName, string parentId, JToken token)
                  switch (token.Type)
                      case JTokenType.Comment:
                      case JTokenType.Property:
                      case JTokenType.Constructor:
                      case JTokenType.None:
                      case JTokenType.Undefined:
                      case JTokenType.Null:
                          return null;
                      case JTokenType.Object:
                          return BuildItemFromToken(token, $"{parentId}_{propertyName}");
                      case JTokenType.Array:
                          return ConvertArray(parentId, (JArray)token);
                      case JTokenType.Integer:
                          return token.ToObject<int>();
                      case JTokenType.Float:
                          return token.ToObject<double>();
                      case JTokenType.String:
                      case JTokenType.Uri:
                      case JTokenType.Raw:
                          return token.ToObject<string>();
                      case JTokenType.Boolean:
                          return token.ToObject<bool>();
                      case JTokenType.Date:
                          return token.ToObject<DateTime>();
                      case JTokenType.Bytes:
                          return token.ToObject<byte[]>();
                      case JTokenType.Guid:
                          return token.ToObject<Guid>();
                      case JTokenType.TimeSpan:
                          return token.ToObject<TimeSpan>();
              private static object ConvertArray(string parentId, JArray array)
                  if (array.Count == 0)
                      return new string[0];
                  switch (array.First.Type)
                      case JTokenType.Integer:
                          return array.ToObject<int[]>();
                      case JTokenType.Float:
                          return array.ToObject<double[]>();
                      case JTokenType.Boolean:
                          return array.ToObject<bool[]>();
                      case JTokenType.String:
                      case JTokenType.Undefined:
                      case JTokenType.Null:
                      case JTokenType.Raw:
                          return array.ToObject<string[]>();
                      case JTokenType.Date:
                          return array.ToObject<DateTime[]>();
                      case JTokenType.Bytes:
                          return array.ToObject<byte[]>();
                      case JTokenType.Guid:
                          return array.ToObject<Guid[]>();
                      case JTokenType.Uri:
                          return array.ToObject<Uri[]>();
                      case JTokenType.TimeSpan:
                          return array.ToObject<TimeSpan[]>();
                      case JTokenType.Object:
                          return ConvertObjectArray(parentId, array);
              private static GenericItem BuildItemFromToken(JToken token, string computedId)
                  var id = token.Value<string>("id") ?? computedId;
                  return new GenericItem
                      id = id,
                      DynamicProperties = ConvertDynamicProperties(id, (JObject)token)
              private static IEnumerable<GenericItem> ConvertObjectArray(string parentId, JArray array)
                  var count = 1;
                  foreach (var item in array)
                      yield return BuildItemFromToken(item, $"{parentId}_{count++}");
          internal class DataResult
              public bool Success { get; private set; }
              public Exception Error { get; private set; }
              public static DataResult Successul => new DataResult { Success = true };
              public static DataResult Fail(Exception ex) => new DataResult { Error = ex };
              public static implicit operator bool(DataResult result)
              { return result.Success; }
              private DataResult() { }
    3. Change DataController to retrieve and pass database value:

      using GenericBackoffice.infrastructure;
      using GenericBackoffice.models;
      using System.Linq;
      using System.Web.Http;
      using System.Web.OData;
      namespace GenericBackoffice.controllers
          public class DataController : ODataController
              public IQueryable<GenericItem> Get()
                  var (database, collection) = GetDatabaseCollection();
                  return DataProvider.GetItems(database, collection).AsQueryable();
              public GenericItem Get([FromODataUri]string key)
                  var (database, collection) = GetDatabaseCollection();
                  return DataProvider.GetItem(database, collection, key);
              public IHttpActionResult Post(GenericItem item)
                  var (database, collection) = GetDatabaseCollection();
                  var result = DataProvider.SaveItem(database, collection, item);
                  if (result)
                      return Created($"data/{database}/{collection}('{}')", item);
                  return InternalServerError(result.Error);
              public IHttpActionResult Delete([FromODataUri]string key)
                  var (database, collection) = GetDatabaseCollection();
                  var result = DataProvider.DeleteItem(database, collection, key);
                  if (result)
                      return Ok();
                  return InternalServerError(result.Error);
              private (string, string) GetDatabaseCollection()
                  return DynamicPathHandler.GetDatabaseCollection((string)RequestContext.RouteData.Values["odataPath"]);
    4. Add folder structure in App_Data folder, e.g:

      • admin
        • users
          • one.json
          • two.json
      • public
        • collection
          • one.json
          • two.json
    5. Run and test, e.g.:

      1. Browse to http://localhost:PORT/data/collection
      2. Browse to http://localhost:PORT/data/admin/users
  2. Add Authentication

    1. Add NuGet Package:

      • Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies
    2. Add cookie authentication middleware in Startup.cs:

      using GenericBackoffice.infrastructure;
      using GenericBackoffice.models;
      using Microsoft.OData.Edm;
      using Microsoft.Owin;
      using Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies;
      using Owin;
      using System;
      using System.Linq;
      using System.Web.Http;
      using System.Web.OData.Builder;
      using System.Web.OData.Extensions;
      using System.Web.OData.Routing.Conventions;
      [assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(GenericBackoffice.Startup))]
      namespace GenericBackoffice
          public class Startup
              public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
                  app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
                      AuthenticationType = "appAuth",
                      CookieHttpOnly = true,
                      ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(1),
                      SlidingExpiration = true
                  var config = new HttpConfiguration();
                  config.MessageHandlers.Add(new MethodOverrideHandler());
                  config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("api", "api/{controller}/{action}");
              static void ConfigureOdata(HttpConfiguration config)
                  var routePrefix = "data";
                  var routeName = "odata";
                      new DynamicPathHandler(),
              static IEdmModel GetModel()
                  var builder = new ODataModelBuilder();
                  var itemType = builder.EntityType<GenericItem>();
                  itemType.HasKey(i =>;
                  itemType.HasDynamicProperties(i => i.DynamicProperties);
                  return builder.GetEdmModel();
    3. Add authentication provider.

      The authencation model chosen is a simple one where there are:

      • Users
      • Users have Roles
      • Roles have Read and Write permissions per database or collection

I've stopped writing this walkthrough for it's getting too big....I'll do if afterwards. The code is (almost) self-evident. Follow the commits...


A generic web site/application back-office.







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