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An online food ordering platform like swiggy or zomato written in Django

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A Multiple Restaurant Marketplace Web Application


With the Deployed version of this Web App:

  • Vendors can Register their Restaurants to have an online presence and receive orders remotely.
  • Vendors can manage their opening hours, menu, range of delivery etc.
  • Buyers can search restaurants or food by their current location or for another location within a specific radius
  • Buyers can generate single order from multiple restaurants and the rest will be taken care by the application
  • Buyers can pay securely through PhonePe payment gateway with their preferrable payment method (e.g.- Card, Netbanking, UPI etc.)

Key Features

  • Location based Restaurant search using GDAL, GeoDjango & Google Maps API
  • Live payment using PhonePe payment Gateway
  • Single order generation from Multiple Restaurants
  • Token Verification for authentication
  • Refresh-less cart functionalities using AJAX
  • Responsive UI to suit every device
  • Clean, Maintainable & Scalable codebase

However it is not possible to list down all the tiny but complex functionalities this app can perform. So to have a glance of the working app, watch this video

Table of Contents

Server Setup Guide

As this is a pretty complex project and uses various different technologies, it is a quite long process to run the project locally or on a server. But the good news is, I have covered it all here and after following these steps you can deploy it or run it locally.


  • Linux or Windows OS
  • Python version 3.11.6 (Because as on 31/03/24 there is no GDAL release for higher python version)
  • Git Installed
  • Google Maps API Key with Geocoding, Maps Javascript and Places API enabled

Windows Setup

1. Make a clone of this repo at your preferred location

git clone

2. Open the just cloned "Cyber_Restaurant" directory in terminal

3. Create a Virtual Environment

python -m venv env

4. Activate the Virtual Evironment


5. Install the required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

6. Set environment variables

  • Create a copy of the '.env-sample' file in the root directory of the project and rename the copy to ".env"
  • Some of the fields will be pre-filled, no need to change them. Fill out the rest
  • 'DB_NAME' can be anything as your wish, but in the upcoming steps you will need to create a database with the same name
  • 'GEMINI_API_KEY' is optional, if you don't have one then just remove the line

7. Install GDAL from the wheel provided

pip install GDAL-3.4.whl

8. Configure GDAL

  • Open '' in 'Restaurant' sub-directory

  • Under the comment "GDAL Configuration" replace the IF block with the following code

      pwd = os.getcwd()
      os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.join(pwd, 'env\Lib\site-packages\osgeo') + ';' + os.environ['PATH']
      os.environ['PROJ_LIB'] = os.path.join(pwd, 'env\Lib\site-packages\osgeo\data\proj') + ';' + os.environ['PATH']
      GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH = os.path.join(pwd, 'env\Lib\site-packages\osgeo\gdal304.dll')
      GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH = os.path.join(pwd, 'env\Lib\site-packages\osgeo\geos_c.dll')

9. Download and Install PostgreSQL from here

(Make sure you install PgAdmin and Application Stack Builder).
For a step by step guide watch this video

10. Create a Database

  • Open "PGAdmin" and enter your password
  • Expand the Servers menu
  • Right Click on 'Databases' and create a new Database
  • Database Name should be same as in your .env file and let the user be 'postgres' by default

11. Create necessary tables in the Database

python makemigrations

python migrate

12. Install PostGIS

  • Open "Application Stack Builder"

  • Select PostgreSQL and click 'Next'

  • It will show the list of available extensions. From here expand the 'Spatial Extensions' menu and check the latest version of PostGIS

  • Continue the installation as per prompt

  • After completition of the installation process, open "PGAdmin"

  • Expand the Database that you created

  • Click on the "Query Tool (πŸ›’)" at top

  • Write the following command to create the postgis extension on the database


  • Click on the "Execute (β–Ά)" button

13. Collect Static Files

python collectstatic

14. Good to go. Run the server

python runserver

Open on your browser.

And CONGRATULATIONS You have Successfully run the Server !!!!! πŸ₯³

Linux Setup

For Linux Operating System, the installation is little more complex than windows, because it is similar to deploying the application on a remote server. The only difference is, for local machine you run the comands on your local terminal and for a remote server you run the commands on a secure shell connected and authenticated with the server.

1. Go to your User Directory

  • Open Terminal by pressing CTRL + ALT + T

  • Change working directory to your user directory

    cd ~

2. Clone the repository

git clone

3. Change working Directory to the newly cloned "Cyber_Restaurant" Directory in terminal

cd Cyber_Restaurant/

4. Create a Virtual Environment

python3 -m venv env

5. Activate the Virtual Environment

source env/bin/activate

6. Install the required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

7. Set environment variables

  • Create a copy of the '.env-sample' file in the root directory of the project and rename the copy to ".env"
  • Some of the fields will be pre-filled, if you have valid values for them then you can change them otherwise let them be as they are. Fill out the rest
  • 'DB_NAME' can be anything as your wish, but in the upcoming steps you will need to create a database with the same name
  • 'GEMINI_API_KEY' is optional, if you don't have one then just remove the line

8. Install GDAL

  • As a prerequisite for installing GDAL, install python3-dev

    sudo apt install python3-dev
  • Add GDAL release package to your apt repository

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
  • Update system packages

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  • Install GDAL binary

    sudo apt-get install gdal-bin

9. Install and Enable PostgreSQL

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
sudo systemctl enable postgresql.service

10. Configure PostgreSQL

  • By default PostgrSQL creates a user named 'postgres'

  • Set a password for the 'postgres' user

    sudo passwd postgres
  • Switch to 'postgres' user

    sudo su - postgres
  • You may need to reset the password again. If you face any error in the next steps then run this command and follow the next steps again
    [Replace 'NEW PASSWORD' with your desired password]

    psql -d postgres -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'NEW PASSWORD';"
  • Login to PostgreSQL Shell

    psql postgres
  • Create a new Database.
    [Replace 'db_name' with the name you entered in the .env file]

    CREATE DATABASE 'db_name';
  • Get back to the SUDO user terminal

  • Create tables in the database

    python3 makemigrations
    python3 migrate

11. Install PostGIS

  • Install 'ca-certificates' package to download and install certificates

    sudo apt install ca-certificates
  • Install 'gnupg' package to dearmor ASCII files

    sudo apt install gnupg
  • Add pgdg keys and main repo

    curl | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ >/dev/null
    sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
  • Update system packages

    sudo apt update &&  sudo apt upgrade -y
  • Check the version of PostgreSQL you are using

    pg_config --version
  • Install PostGIS for your PostgreSQL version
    [Replace <version> with the version of PostgreSQL you just checked]

    sudo apt install postgresql-<version>-postgis-3
  • Create PostGIS extension on your database
    [Replace <database name> with the name of your database]

       sudo su postgres
       psql postgres
       \connect <database name>
       CREATE EXTENSION postgis;

12. Collect Static Files

python collectstatic

13. Run the server on 8000 port

  • Install 'ufw' package to enable 8000 port

    sudo apt install ufw
  • Enable 8000 port

    sudo ufw allow 8000
  • Run the server

    gunicorn --bind Restaurant.wsgi
  • Now if you reach out to this url you should see your server running, but there should be something wrong. The stylings and static files are not loading right? Don't worry we are going to fix them in the next steps.

  • Stop the server by pressing CTRL + C

14. Setup Gunicorn to serve the Django Application

  • Create a Gunicorn socket file

    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.socket
  • Enter the following configuration in the file and save

      Description=gunicorn socket
  • Create a Gunicorn service file

    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.service
  • Enter the following configuration in the file and save
    [Replace <username> with the name of your sudo user]

      Description=gunicorn daemon
      ExecStart=/home/<username>/Cyber_Restaurant/env/bin/gunicorn \
                --access-logfile - \
                --workers 3 \
                --bind unix:/run/gunicorn.sock \
  • Restart Gunicorn

    sudo systemctl restart gunicorn

15. Setup NGINX as a Reverse Proxy to serve Static and Media Files

  • Create a NGINX configuration file

    sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/Cyber_Restaurant
  • Enter the following code in the file and save
    [Replace <username> with the name of your sudo user]
    [Change the 'server_name' if you want to deploy the Application on a remote server]

      server {
      listen 80;
      location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
      location /static/ {
      	root /home/<username>/Cyber_Restaurant;
      location /media/ {
      	root /home/<username>/Cyber_Restaurant;
      location / {
      	include proxy_params;
      	proxy_pass http://unix:/run/gunicorn.sock
  • Create a link to the configuration file

    sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/Cyber_Restaurant etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
  • Change the NGINX user

    sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  • Set 'user' to your sudo username and save the file

  • Restart NGINX

      sudo systemctl restart nginx

16. Allow required ports

  • Allow the required ports

       sudo ufw allow 586
       sudo ufw allow 80
       sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'
  • Remove 8000 port

     sudo ufw delete allow 8000

Open on your browser.

And CONGRATULATIONS You have Successfully DEPLOYED the Web Application !!!!! πŸ₯³

Open Issues

1. User is not prompted to give location access automatically after reaching the site.

I have kept this issue open, to show How Location based search functionalities are working behind the scene to show relevant Restaurants nearby? How it is using GeoDjango with Google Maps API to fetch Restaurants inside a certain Radius? However this issue can be solved very easily.

2. Users can continue to place an order to a Restaurant even when it is Closed

I am planning to create a Celery Asynchronous job to intimate the Restaurant as well as the Customer whenever the Restaurant gets opened. And also there may be some scenarios when the Restaurant has actually not closed but due to some minute differences in Opening Hours Slabs, the system is showing the status Closed. In that case, we can ask the Restaurant owner whether to accept the order or not. So looking forward for some additional Features

Want to Contribute?

All contributions are Welcome. If you want to contribute to this project follow the steps.

1. Create a Fork of this Repository

See GitHub Documentation for Forks

2. Clone Your Fork

git clone <URL TO YOUR FORK>

3. Create a New Branch with a name that best describes the contribution you are about to make

git checkout -b <YOUR BRANCH NAME>

4. Now you can work on your new Branch

After making the changes, Test your code well before committing

5. Commit the changes in your new Branch and push the code to your Forked Repository

See This Documentation

6. Give a Pull request to this Upstream Repo

See The GitHub Documentation on Pull Request

Be Descriptive about the Contribution you have made

Found a BUG 🐞 ??

As this Application is in the very early stage of it's development lifecycle, it is anticipated that there are some bugs in the code. So if you find out one, then Please - Let me know directly by Email:


I would like to Thank Django Official Forum for helping me out on RUNTIME MODEL VALIDATION issue.


An online food ordering platform like swiggy or zomato written in Django






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