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Windows Password Utilities

ChangePassword and ResetPassword are Windows console (command-line) utility programs that change and reset a user account's password, respectively. The following describes the difference between the terms change and reset:

  • Change password means to update an account's password if you know the account's current password. A password change is typically initiated by a user to update their own password.

  • Reset password means to update an account's password without knowing the current password. You must have appropriate permissions. Usually a password reset is performed by a service desk, administrator, or other group that has been granted this permission.

Copyright and Author

Copyright (C) 2023 by Bill Stewart (bstewart at


These programs covered by the GNU Public License (GPL). See the file LICENSE for details.



There is no installation needed. Simply open a command prompt or PowerShell window and run the program you want by typing its name. If you are using PowerShell and want to run a program from the current directory, don't forget to prefix the program name with .\ or ./.


ChangePassword changes the password for a user account. You must know the current password.

The program will prompt for the information it needs:

PS C:\Users\MyAdmin\Downloads\PasswordUtils\x86_64> .\ChangePassword
Change password for current account (FABRIKAM\kdyer) [Y/N]?

Answer Y to this prompt to change the password for the current user. If you answer N, the program will prompt for an account name:

Enter account name for password change [empty=quit]:

You can prefix the acount name with a domain name or computer name and the \ character (e.g., domain1\kdyer or computer2\ldyer). If you omit a domain or computer name and \ character, the program assumes the same domain or computer name as the current user.

The program will display the server to which it will connect to change the password, and then it will prompt for the current and new password. Passwords will not be displayed as they are typed.

Password change server: \\FABRIKAMDC1

Enter current password for FABRIKAM\kdyer:
Enter new password for FABRIKAM\kdyer:
Confirm new password for FABRIKAM\kdyer:

After entering the current and new passwords, the program will attempt the password change and will display a success or failure message.

NOTE: Press Ctrl+C to abort the program at any time.


ResetPassword resets the password for a user account. You must have sufficient permissions to perform a password reset.

The program will prompt for the information it needs:

PS C:\Users\MyAdmin\Downloads\PasswordUtils\x86_64> .\ResetPassword
Enter account name for password reset [empty=quit]:

You can prefix the acount name with a domain name or computer name and the \ character (e.g., domain1\kdyer or computer2\ldyer). If you omit a domain or computer name and \ character, the program assumes the same domain or computer name as the current user.

The program will then display the account requesting the password reset (i.e., the current account), the server to which it will connect to reset the password, and then it will request whether to require a password change at next logon:

Account requesting password reset: FABRIKAM\MyAdmin
Password reset server: \\FABRIKAMDC1

Require password change at next logon [Y/N]?

If you enter Y at this prompt, the system will require the user to change the password when logging on. If you enter N, the system will not require the user to change the password when logging on.

The program will then prompt for a new password for the account. Passwords are not displayed as they are typed.

Enter new password for FABRIKAM\kdyer:
Confirm new password for FABRIKAM\kdyer:

After entering the new password, the program will attempt the password reset and will display a success or failure message.

NOTE: Press Ctrl+C to abort the program at any time.

Technical and Security Details

  • ChangePassword uses the NetUserChangePassword API function to change a password.

  • ResetPassword uses the NetUserSetInfo API function to reset a password.

  • According to the documentation, the NetUserChangePassword and NetUserSetInfo API functions do not control how the passwords are secured when sent over the network. Encryption of the passwords is handled by the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism supported by the network redirector that provides the network transport. Encryption is also controlled by the security mechanisms supported by the local computer and the security mechanisms supported by the remote network server. Passwords are not sent over the network in plain-text.

  • The Windows API functions require the passwords in plain-text in memory temporarily in order to call the API functions. (Note that this is not any different from any other programs that use these API functions to change account passwords.) The programs overwrite the plain-text password strings in memory immediately after using them.

  • If you don't specify a computer name or domain name in the account name (i.e., an account name without a domainname\ or computername\ prefix), the programs assume the same domain or computer name as the current logged on user. That is, if you are logged on with a domain account, the programs will assume the account is in the current domain; alternatively, if you are logged on with a local computer account, the programs will assume the account is a local account on the current computer.

  • If you are logged on using a domain account or if you specify a computer name or domain name in the account name, the programs use the DsGetDCName API function to attempt to get the name of a writable nearby domain controller. If the API function can't find a domain controller for the specified name, the programs will assume a remote computer name. For example, consider the following scenario:

    • You are logged onto the FABRIKAM domain
    • You run ResetPassword and enter COMPUTER2\jdoe for the account name (i.e., reset password for local account jdoe on COMPUTER2)

    In this example, ResetPassword will attempt to find a domain controller for the domain COMPUTER2. There will be a slight delay as the lookup runs. Since there is no domain with that name, the lookup will fail, and ResetPassword will use COMPUTER2 as the remote computer name.

File Hashes

File SHA256 Hash
i386\ChangePassword.exe C24DCE33C4E05A5D55A27A07CA32CDFF0CF4CDE320872677D09E941CC362DBA2
i386\ResetPassword.exe 5723CAC43E2B569BDAD2765309C7A1DA2ABFB5E2658BDE3E124F5E8EFD0166F4
x86_64\ChangePassword.exe 55BECFB3306B42F57EAE70C10B6ED1A9B5844BA7254B34D816F465071137F805
x86_64\ResetPassword.exe B02271CD4FF902EE272B6AC7EC4963873E89FEE4B74D27D661DBF9A18BA27669

The file hashes are provided here to validate an untampered executable.

You can use PowerShell commands to validate a file's hash; e.g.:

PS C:\> (Get-FileHash "C:\Tools\ResetPassword.exe" -Algorithm SHA256).Hash -eq "B02271CD4FF902EE272B6AC7EC4963873E89FEE4B74D27D661DBF9A18BA27669"

If the hash doesn't match, the command's output will be False (i.e., the executable is from a bad download or has been tampered with).


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