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To-do API


A simple test API for posting Todos

API Features

  • You can create new To-dos
  • You can edit existing to-dos
  • You can delete to-dos
  • You can retrieve all to-dos
  • You can retrieve a single to-do with it's to-do details

Technology Stack

  • NodeJs
  • PostgreSQL and Sequelize
  • ExpressJS

Getting Started

  • Make sure you already have NodeJS and ExpressJS installed on your local machine. Clone the repo to your local machine and change directory
> $ cd todo-api
  • run npm install to install the required dependencies
> $ npm install
  • Once installation is successful, start the development server
> $ npm run start:dev
  • Open up postman and test the existing routes


  • POST: '/api/v1/todos'
  • POST: '/api/todos/:todoId/items'
  • GET: '/api/v1/todos'
  • PUT: '/api/v1/todos/:recipeId'
  • GET: '/api/v1/todos/:todoId'
  • DELETE: '/api/v1/todos/:todoId'
  • DELETE: '/api/todos/:todoId/items/:todoItemId'
  • PUT: '/api/todos/:todoId/items/:todoItemId'


  • Run the test command to make sure all tests are passing
> $ npm test

Want to contribute?

  • Fork the repository
  • Create a feature branch with a file
  • Write tests and make them pass
  • Open a pull request


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