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Randy edited this page May 29, 2020 · 17 revisions

░ Table of Contents

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░ Basics

What Is McInfected

McInfected is a popular game mode from Call of Duty's Modern Warfare 3. This plugin tries its' best to replicate that gamemode and turn it into a Minecraft minigame. The objective of this game for humans is to simply outlast and fight the zombies. But you only have one life. Once you get bitten, then you turn into a zombie and are forced to infect the ones who were once your allies and friends. Humans. If you happen to get caught by the horde, your objective as a zombie is to infect all the humans before the timer is up.

Color Codes

All messages in Infected support color codes. The way you use these color codes are by typing &> and then you replace the > with the color code you want.

Note: If a color code is used in the same message as a format code, make sure the color code goes first to get the wanted effect.

Code    Result

&0      Black
&1      Dark Blue
&2      Dark Green
&3      Dark Aqua
&4      Dark Red
&5      Purple
&6      Gold
&7      Gray
&8      Dark Gray
&9      Blue
&a      Green
&b      Aqua
&c      Red
&d      Light Purple
&e      Yellow
&f      White

&k      Obfuscated
&l      Bold
&m      Strikethrough
&n      Underline
&o      Italic
&r      Reset

&x      Random Color
&y      Random Format

Plugin Stopped Working

If this ever happens, make sure to check your servers console for the big nasty error it spat out. Once you find it, just upload it to a website like <> and create a ticket, and i'll look into it!

░ Setup

Somethings to note when setting McInfected up are:

  • McInfected does not protect the arena/lobby, it just prevents the users in it from breaking anything they're not supposed to.
  • You can have the lobbys in a different world from other lobbies or the regular world, but try and keep the lobby and its arenas in the same world.




Note: I know the plural of Lobby is Lobbies, but I started coding them as "Lobbys" instead of "Lobbies" and it's to late to go back now!

When creating a lobby, you can either create one by opening the setup menu (/McInfected Setup) or with the command /McInfected Setup Lobby CreateLobby or you can navigate through the setup command menu and click on "Create Lobby"

After that, it'll prompt you for a Lobby name.


Just enter the name of the wanted lobby. When the lobby gets created, it will set the lobby's location to where you are currently standing. To change this either open the setup menu (/McInfected Setup) or navigate through chat menu, and click Locations, or type /McInfected Setup Lobby Location Set

Using **/McInfeted Setup Lobby will show all the different ways to modify/configure this lobby.

Now you just need to setup some Arenas


To create an arena, you can either use the command /McInfected Setup Lobby Arenas CreateArena or by opening the setup menu (/McInfected Setup) and navigating through it.

After that it'll prompt you to enter the Arena's name Prompt

Once this is created, you're going to want to add some spawns, to do that you can either navigate through the setup menu and set the spawn, or type /McInfected Seup Lobby Arenas Global Edit Set

Then you're ready to start playing!


Kits are one of my favourite things in McInfected. Just the thought that everyone can be playing with different equipment keeps the game fresh and exciting. Kits are almost all the way configurable. Zombie Kit

When you go to create a kit, you can either create one by opening the setup menu (/McInfected Setup) and choosing kits, or you can pretty much just copy and paste a pre-existing kit from the Kits.yml, then just edit the values, just make sure you put the kit in the right group!


Settings by default are global, but with a little copy and paste, then can be set per lobby.

Like this

The default config is as follows

# default Config.yml - Last Edited in v0.1.7
# +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | For help with the file, visit here:             |
# +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# MySQL support
  Enable: false
  Port: 3306
  Database: minecraft
  Username: user
  Password: pass
# What should we do when we check for an update?
  Check: true
  Download: false
# What style of GUI did you want(glass/piston)
GUI Style: piston
# What commands are allowed in the lobby besides infected commands?
Allowed Commands:
- /tell
- /helpop
# How much score gets added/removed when certain events happen
Score System:
  Kill: 10
  Death: -1
  Surviving: 5
  Infecting: 5
  Win: 15
  Loose: -1
  GameEnd: 5
# Useful for the developer to see whats going on
  Debug Mode: false
# Using the death event will remove some of the combat lag
  Use Death Event: true
# Require players to have an empty inventory before joining
  Require Empty Inventory: false
# How long is each game state? (Seconds)
    Voting: 20
    Infecting: 20
    Game: 300
# What percent of the in game players will become alpha zombies?
    Alpha Percent: 0.25
# How many players are needed in the lobby before it auto starts?
    Auto Start: 2
# How many players are allowed to be in a single lobby?
    Max Players: 20
# Once a game has started, are players still allowed to join?
    Allowed To Join Started Games: true
# Should the players be able to loose hunger in game?
    Allowed To Loose Hunger: false
# Should the humans be able to regenerate health in game?
    Allowed To Regenerate Health: false
# Are mobs allowed to target players in game?
    Mobs Can Target Players: false
# After winning a game (Human Survivors or Alpha Zombies) What rewards do they get
  - $10
  - id:260 name:&2&lApple_Of_The_Zombies
# Is the user allowed to break blocks? And if so what type?
    Can Break: false
    Allowed Blocks:
    - id:wool data:15
# What kits are allowed to be used in this lobby
  Allowed Kits:
  - all
# What kits are not allowed to be used in this lobby(Follows same format as Allowed Kits
  Blocked Kits: []

░ Misc


If you don't know the item name/id of the item you want, I would recommend checking out as they have an awesome page that shows all of Minecraft's items

For the people who already have items on their server they want to use, they can always use McInfected's Item code command and see the item. /McInfected Admin ItemCode

I think that the way McInfected handles items is a cool approach because it allows full customization to each and every item. Below is how McInfected creates the Items.

item:DIAMOND_SWORD name:&9Blue_Sword lore:Lore_Line1 lore:Lore_Line2 enchantment:DAMAGE_ALL,1 flag:HIDE_ENCHANTMENTS

Here are all the different parameters you can use:

# Sets the item type
item:TYPE | gun:GUNNAME

# Sets the quantity

# Sets the damage/data

# Sets the name (Use _ to represent spaces)

# Adds lore (Use _ to represent spaces)

# Adds enchantments

# Adds flags


# Adds attributes

# Customize a potion

# Customize leather armour colours

# Set the book's author

# Set the book's title

# Add a books page (Use _ to represent spaces)

# Add a pattern and colour to a banner

# Customize the firework

# Add a firework colour

# Add a firework fade colour

# Set a player skull's owner

# Add enchantments to an enchanted book

# Customize the tropical fish in the bucket

# Set the item to be unbreakable

# Set the item to glow


 * Setting to show/hide enchants
 * Setting to show/hide Attributes like Damage
 * Setting to show/hide the unbreakable State
 * Setting to show/hide what the ItemStack can break/destroy
 * Setting to show/hide where this ItemStack can be build/placed on
 * Setting to show/hide potion effects on this ItemStack