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Bd-RPC: an efficient tool for phylogenetic cluster identification and new sample placement.


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Bases dependent Rapid Phylogenetic Clustering

  • Bases dependent Rapid Phylogenetic Clustering (Bd-RPC) is an efficient tool for phylogenetic cluster identification and new sample placement. The Bd-RPC contains two major modules (Make Database and Clustering New Sequences).

  • In the Make Database module, the aligned sequences will be recoded following the convert matrix, and the components of recoded aligned sequences’ matrix can be extracted for accelerating distance calculation with the principal component analysis (PCA). Then, the distance among sequences will be estimated by the recoded sequence matrix using the Minkowski Distance and the distance matrix will be chosen to match the background information (taxonomy information or phylogenetic tree) for database creation by various Hierarchical Clustering methods and the Simulated Annealing Search algorithm.

  • After the Bd-RPC database establishment, the new sequences will be added into the aligned sequences using MAFFT and the indel characters will be counted for foreign sequences’ recognition to distinguish whether the new sequences belong to the database. Then, the remainder sequences will be classified according to the Bd-RPC database through the Matching Identity cutoff and clusters’ density. Finally, for the phylogenetic database, the new sequences can be placed into the phylogenetic tree based on the clustering results.

  • The online toolkit is available on


OS Requirements

This package is supported for macOS and Linux. The package has been tested on the following systems:

  • macOS: Mojave (10.14.1)
  • Linux: Ubuntu (18.04.5)


Python 3+

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • pandas
  • biopython
  • scikit-learn
  • rpy2


  • ape


  • IQ-TREE2 (necessary in phylogenetic tree construction)

If you're having difficulties constructing the essential scientific Python packages, we recommend using the conda package/environment manager.

conda create -n bd_rpc python=3
conda activate bd_rpc
conda install numpy scipy pandas biopython scikit-learn rpy2
conda install -c bioconda mafft iqtree


git clone
cd bd-rpc/bin


This program can recode the aligned sequences to a list of number and match to the background information or phylogenetic tree through hierarchical clustering. For increasing the speed of this program, PCA improvement module can be selected for calcuating the distance between sequences.

Part 1 -- Make Database

Usage: [options] -align <location> -o <location>

Output: Bd-RPC database [cluster_location/identity/density/seq_location]

Basic options:
-h help
-align Location of aligned sequences. (required) [no punctuation mark: '/' or ',']
-o Directory to store the result. (required)
-convert_method Distance calculation methods (six recoded distance metrics, and seventeen uncoded genetic distance metrics from R package "ape")
-seq_convert Location of convert matrix, the script will use (1-pi,0,0,0,1-pi,0) as default (method 1).
-PCA [on or off] Use PCA program to increase the speed or not. (default: 'on')
-PCAcomponents If "-PCA" is on, '-PCAcomponents' can be set as the PCA components. (<=number of the sequences and <= length of recoding sequences) (default: max)
-dis_exponent The exponent of minkowski distance. (default: 2)
-Cmethod The method of hierarchical clustering. (single, average, complete, ward) (default: single)
-tax_information The location of sequences taxonomy information. (csv file) [seq_id,clade,subclade,sub-subclade....] [no punctuation mark: '/' or ',']
-phy_information The location of tree with newick format. [no punctuation mark: '/' or ',']
-Cnumber If '-tax_information and -phy_information' not apply, the numebr of cluster will be calcuated without identity. (default: 5)
-bootstrap_cutoff The cutoff value to stop the tree traversal. (default: 90)

Part 2 -- Clustering new sequences

Usage: [options] -align <location> -new <location> -o <location> -db <location>

Output: gap-t-test result [seq_id in/out] / clustering result [seq_id cluster_name/tree_location] / combined tree

Basic options:
-align Location of aligned sequences. (required) [no punctuation mark: '/' or ',']
-new Location of new sequences. (required)
-o Directory to store the result. (required)
-db Location of Bd-RPC database. (required)
-IDfold The fold of median value in Indel Test. (default: 1.1)
-phy_information Location of phylogentics tree. (if the tree is available, the new sequences will be inserted into the phylogenetic tree)
-identity_cutoff The cutoff value of clusters' identity. (0~1, default: 0.8)
-density_fold The fold of clusters' density for new samples clustering. (default: 1.5)
-threads Threads of mafft align and iqtree. (int, default: auto)

Part 3 -- BdRPCpackage

This is a python package used to perform phylogenetic new sample placement. Users can flexibly combine functions to achieve personalized functionality.

pip install BdRPCpackage
Input Description Output
aligned_seq_location Aligned sequence location. A/C/G/T frequency; Aligned sequence id; Aligned Sequence

BdRPCpackage.bases_convert(pi, sequence,convert_rule='Method1',convert_rule_location = '' )
Input Description Output
pi A/C/G/T frequency. Convert result of aligned sequences
sequence Aligned sequence. Recoding Conver Rule matrix
convert_rule Recoding Convert Rule (select Method 1~6).
convert_rule_location Recoding Convert Rule (A/C/G/T, csv format).

BdRPCpackage.PCA_improved(seq_change_matrix,PCA_components = 'max')
#If you do not want to perform PCA on the convert result, skip this function.
Input Description Output
seq_change_matrix Convert result of aligned sequences. PCA result
PCA_components PCA components number.

BdRPCpackage.information_clustering(seq_change_matrix_PCA,seq_id,distance_exponent = 2, clustering_method = 'single',clustering_information = '',cluster_number = 2, pdistance = '')
Input Description Output
seq_change_matrix_PCA Convert result of aligned sequences (perform PCA or not). Clustering Result containing:
seq_id Aligned sequence id. Cluster name (taxonomy)
distance_exponent Distance exponent used in distance calculation among sequences. Sequences index of Cluster
clustering_method Hierarchical clustering methods used to match taxonomy information and sequence recoding distance matrix. Cluster index (equal to the column index)
clustering_information Location of taxonomy information (csv format). Cluster identity
cluster_number Clustering number of sequence recoding distance matrix (If taxonomy information is empty). Cluster density
pdistance Other distance matrix used to instead sequence recoding distance matrix.

BdRPCpackage.ML_tree_clustering(ML_tree_location,seq_change_matrix_PCA,seq_id,max_cluster_number=5,bootstrap_cutoff=90,distance_exponent = 2,clustering_method = 'single',pdistance = '')
Input Description Output
ML_tree_location Phylogenetic tree location. Clustering Result containing:
seq_change_matrix_PCA Convert result of aligned sequences (perform PCA or not). Cluster name (phylogenetic tree node),
seq_id Aligned sequence id. Sequences index of Cluster,
distance_exponent Distance exponent used in distance calculation among sequences. Cluster index (equal to 0),
clustering_method Hierarchical clustering methods used to match taxonomy information and sequence recoding distance matrix. Cluster identity,
max_cluster_number Max Hierarchical clustering number in each node ( >=bootstrap cutoff). Cluster density.
bootstrap_cutoff Bootstrap cutoff in tree searching. If the bootstrap is less than the bootstrap cutoff, the tree search will stop.
pdistance Other distance matrix used to instead sequence recoding distance matrix.

BdRPCpackage.add_aligned_sequence(add_seq_location, aligned_seq_location,output_location = '',thread = 1)
#This function will combine new sequence and aligned sequences to a multiple sequence alignment using MAFFT.
Input Description Output
add_seq_location New sequence location. Combined multiple sequence alignment.
aligned_seq_location Aligned sequence location.
output_location Combined sequence location.
thread Threads of the MAFFT

BdRPCpackage.gap_t_test(add_seq_location, aligned_seq_location, output_location = '',IDfold=1.1)
#This function will combine new sequence and aligned sequences to a multiple sequence alignment using MAFFT.
Input Description Output
add_seq_location New sequence location. New sequence ID belongs to the aligned sequence.
aligned_seq_location Aligned sequence location. New sequence ID doesn't belong to the aligned sequence.
output_location Combined sequence location.
IDfold Indel fold change (used to recognize foreign sequences).

Input Description Output
database_location BdRPC database location New Sequence Clustering Result containing:
aligned_seq_location Aligned sequence location. New sequence id,
combine_seq_location Combined sequence location. New sequnece's cluster.
new_seqid New sequence ID belongs to the aligned sequence.
convert_rule_location Location of Recoding Conver Rule matrix. Min distance to the aligned sequences.
identity_cutoff Identity cutoff of cluster searching.
density_fold Max fold change of each cluster density.
pdistance Other distance matrix used to instead sequence recoding distance matrix.
convert_rule Recoding Convert Rule (select Method 1~6).

Input Description Output
clustering_result New Sequence Clustering Result Combined phylogenetic tree.
ML_tree_location Phylogenetic tree location.
combine_seq_location Combined sequence location.
threads Threads of the IQ-TREE2

Part 4 -- Bd-RPCE (Split High Methylation Genes of E. coli)

Usage: [options] -in <location> -o <location>

Output: HMGgene.fasta and

Input Description
-in E. coli complete sequence
-o Output location
-identity Blastn identity cutoff
-cover Blastn coverage cutoff
threads Threads of Blastn



The example data is located in './example/' folder.

Make Database

cd bd-rpc

#Taxonomy database
./bin/ -align ./example/S_gene_align.fasta -o ./example/ -tax_information ./example/S_gene_taxonomy.csv

#Phylogentic database
./bin/ -align ./example/S_gene_align.fasta -o ./example/ -phy_information ./example/S_gene.nwk

Clustering New Sequence

#Without phylogenetic tree
./bin/ -align ./example/S_gene_align.fasta -new ./example/S_gene_new.fasta -db ./example/database -o ./example/

#With phylogenetic tree
./bin/ -align ./example/S_gene_align.fasta -new ./example/S_gene_new.fasta -db ./example/database -o ./example/ -phy_information ./example/S_gene.nwk


The example data is located in './example/'.

Make Database

cd bd-rpc
unzip ./example/

#Phylogenetic database
./bin/ ./ -align ./example/ORF1ab_ref.fasta -phy_information ./example/ORF1ab_high_align.fasta.treefile   -o ./

Clustering New Sequence

#With phylogenetic tree
./bin/ -align ./example/ORF1ab_ref.fasta -new ./example/ORF1ab_test.fasta  -o ./ -db ./database -IDfold 2  -phy_information ./example/ORF1ab_high_align.fasta.treefile


The example data is located in './example/'.

Make Database

cd bd-rpc
unzip ./example/

#Phylogenetic database
./bin/ ./ -align ./example/her_ref.fasta -phy_information ./example/alpha_her_high_root.treefile   -o ./

Clustering New Sequence

#With phylogenetic tree
./bin/ -align ./example/her_ref.fasta -new ./example/her_test.fasta  -o ./ -db ./database -IDfold 2  -phy_information ./example/alpha_her_high_root.treefile -convert_method logdet


  • database.match
    Database information containing creation information and matching result.

  • database.convert
    Convert rule using in database creation.

  • combine.fasta
    Combined multiple sequence alignment generated using MAFFT.

    Sequence ID recognized as the foreign sequence using Indel Recognition.

  • clustering_result.csv
    Column 1 : new sample ID
    Column 2 : cluster name
    Column 3 : min distance to the cluster

  • combined_tree.nwk
    Combined phylogenetic tree with new samples.

Window system

Users need to set the R into the environment variables. If the R package "ape" is available, users can select 17 uncoded genetic distance. Here, MAFFT program is necessary for the new sample placement and the IQ-TREE2 is used for phylogenetic tree construction, which users should set into the environment variables previously.




Double click or ./Bd-RPC


Double click or open in Rstudio


Bd-RPC: an efficient tool for phylogenetic cluster identification and new sample placement.







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