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Elasticsearch Movies

This project was built to test Elasticsearch. It performs searches against a database of 2000 of the top movies according to The Movie DB.


First, follow the normal Rails application steps:

bundle install # install gems
rake db:create db:schema:load # create the DB and load the schema

If you have an API key for The Movie DB's API, you can run the following command to populate the database:

MOVIEDB_API_KEY="my_api_key" rake movies:populate

To save some time, the IDs for the top 2000 movies are hardcoded; see lib/tasks/movies.rake for more information.

If you do not have an API key, you can download an SQLite database preloaded with the data. Simply drop it into your db/ folder with the name development.sqlite3.

Creating the Elasticsearch Index

You can run

rake search:index

to create the index. This will erase any existing index named movies and create a new index of that name.