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As a group, we plan to develop a web-based platform designed to help users discover artists who align with their personal interests and preferences, rather than solely based on their listening history. This platform aims to provide a more personalized and engaging experience by matching users with artists in specific genres and styles they are genuinely interested in.

Music plays a vital role in human life, from ancient ceremonial music to modern hip-hop beats. It serves as a powerful means of expressing feelings, relaxing the mind, and finding satisfaction. To enhance the enjoyment of music based on individual preferences, rather than being limited by streaming platforms' algorithms, we are developing a web-based platform that provides personalized music recommendations.

Our platform will understand users' interests and provide music tailored to their preferences, focusing on specific genres and artists they enjoy. With each search and interaction, the software will refine its understanding of the user's tastes, resulting in highly personalized recommendations. This approach ensures users receive music that aligns with their specific interests while remaining open to exploring new options.

This project addresses a common frustration with popular music apps like Spotify, where algorithms often jump between different genres. By solving this problem, our platform offers a valuable alternative for music lovers seeking a more consistent and satisfying listening experience. This solution has the potential to attract a large user base and create significant business opportunities by meeting the needs of many music enthusiasts.

  • Music Aficionados
  • Curious Listeners
  • Niche Genre Enthusiasts
  • Independent Artists and Musicians
  • Music Industry Professionals
  • Casual Listeners

Our project focuses on developing a web-based platform designed to help users discover artists who align with their personal interests and preferences, rather than solely based on their listening history. By providing personalized music recommendations tailored to users' specific genres and styles, our platform aims to enhance the enjoyment of music and offer a more engaging and consistent listening experience. This addresses the common frustration with popular music apps, where algorithms often jump between different genres. Our solution provides a valuable alternative for music lovers, ensuring they receive recommendations that truly match their tastes while remaining open to exploring new options. This has the potential to attract a large user base and create significant business opportunities by meeting the needs of many music enthusiasts.


  • Users Desire Personalized Music Discovery
  • Frustration with Existing Platforms
  • Variety of Music Preferences
  • Technology Adoption
  • Independent Artists’ Interest
  • Market Demand
  • User Interaction and Feedback
  • Scalability of the Platform


  • Data Privacy
  • Algorithm Accuracy
  • Scalability
  • Resource Limitations
  • Content Licensing
  • User Adoption
  • Technical Integration
  • Market Competition
  • User Interface Design
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Real-Time Processing
  • Diverse Music Preferences

👩‍💻 Languages


🚀 Development Tools & Environments


💻 Web Development Frameworks & Libraries


🌐 Web Servers


⚙️ Hardware and Microcontroller Boards


  • Enhanced User Experience
  • Increased User Satisfaction
  • Broadened Musical Horizons
  • Improved Artist Exposure
  • User Growth
  • Market Differentiation
  • Business Opportunities
  • Positive Feedback Loop

  • Finalize Platform Design
  • Develop Recommendation Algorithms
  • Build the Platform
  • Ensure Data Privacy and Security
  • Obtain Content Licenses
  • Beta Testing
  • Marketing and Promotion
  • Launch the Platform
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Expand Partnerships
  • Measure Success