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This repository is a demonstration project that showcases various aspects of mobile app development using Flutter. It provides examples of working with APIs, implementing state management using the Flutter_Bloc library (with a Cubit-based approach), and adhering to a clean architecture with a clear separation of layers: UI (pages and widgets), Business Logic (Cubits and Services), Repositories, and Data (models, API, local database).


  • API Integration: The project demonstrates how to interact with external APIs, making network requests, and handling responses effectively.

  • State Management: It showcases the use of the Flutter_Bloc library, emphasizing the Cubit pattern for managing app state.

  • Clean Architecture: The codebase follows a clean architecture approach, ensuring a clear separation of concerns and making it easier to maintain and scale the project.

  • Local Database: As an example, the project includes the implementation of a local database using sembast, a NoSQL database library for Flutter.

Project Structure

The repository is organized into the following key directories:

  • UI: Contains Flutter widgets and pages for the user interface.

  • Business Logic: Includes Cubits and Services responsible for handling the app's business logic.

  • Repositories: Manages data retrieval and storage operations, acting as an intermediary between the data sources and the application.

  • Data: Houses data-related components, such as models, API communication, and local database management.

Getting Started

To get started with this project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Ensure you have Flutter and Dart installed.
  3. Navigate to the project directory.
  4. Run flutter pub get to install dependencies.
  5. Use your preferred IDE to run the app on an emulator or physical device.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork this repository, create a branch, and submit a pull request with your improvements, bug fixes, or new features.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use it as a reference or a starting point for your own Flutter projects.


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