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80 lines (69 loc) · 2.26 KB
title layout permalink people
title excerpt
BioData Club consists of many staff, faculty, postdocs and students from many programs and departments across OHSU.

{% include feature_row %}

{% include feature_row id= "people" type = "center" %}

{% assign sorted_people = site.people | sort: 'last_name' %} {% assign depts = "DMICE, CLSU, BME, Biostatistics, CompBio" | split: ", " %} {% assign tags = "systems-biology, sleep-studies, interactive-visualization" | split: ", " %}

Filter by Group:

All {% for tag in depts %} {{ tag }} {% endfor %}

Filter by research interest:

All {% for tag in tags %} {{ tag }} {% endfor %}
{% for person in sorted_people %} {% include people.html type="grid" %} {% endfor %}
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