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Michael Nieß edited this page Dec 6, 2017 · 12 revisions


JBotEvolver is a Java-based open-source and versatile simulation platform for education and research-driven experiments in evolutionary robotics (ER). JBotEvolver is modular, and its core is composed of two different projects. If you intend on using the simulator to evolve controllers, both projects should be checked-out from the repository. You can then use them as external libraries and create your own project that uses and extends the simulator's capabilities.

  • JBotSim - responsible for the simulated environment, robot models, controllers, physics, rendering, etc.
  • JBotEvolver - responsible for evolution-related code, such as evolutionary algorithms, evaluation function, populations, etc.

Setting up the Code

  1. Checkout both the JBotSim and JBotEvolver projects into your IDE
  2. Set JBotSim is set as a dependency of JBotEvolver (if it's not done automatically already)
  3. That's it! Run the CombinedGui class and check if the simulator runs

It is recommended the creation of a separate project that depends both on JBotSim and JBotEvolver in order extend the simulator without changing the core classes. More detailed instructions can be found on the Useful Information page.