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File metadata and controls

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Docker Container for AnnotationHub Server

Important Note

The way this Docker Container is currently set up, it can only be used by Bioconductor core members who have access to the production server and know its credentials.

It should probably change so it can be used by anyone who wants to test recipes. But that is not going to happen right away.

Table of Contents

Setting up the docker container


Set the environment variable MYSQL_REMOTE_PASSWORD to the correct value, found in the "AnnotationHub production server" section of the Google Doc "Credentials For Bioconductor Cloud resources".

The container will not work properly unless this is set.

You can set it by doing:


where XXX is replaced with the correct password.

Install docker. If you are on Mac or Windows, install docker toolbox instead.

Also install Docker Compose.

Clone the AnnotationHubServer3.0 code to the same directory as this README:

git clone

Or if you already have this repository checked out elsewhere on your system, make a symbolic link to it in the current directory (the same directory as this README).

Create a directory called "data" in the same directory as this README.

Run The Container

Open a terminal window (a Docker Quickstart Terminal if you are on Mac or windows) and change to the same directory where this README is. Issue the command:

docker-compose up

This command will pull down the database contents from the production AnnotationHub server and then start a local server.

When you see a line like this:

annotationhub_1 | == Shotgun/WEBrick on

...the AnnotationHub server is running in the container.

To verify that it is running, you can determine its URL (in the next section).

Determining URL of server

If you are on linux, the URL of the server is likely http://localhost:3000/resource.

If you are in the cloud you need to use the public DNS name of your instance as your IP address.

If you are using boot2docker (deprecated by Docker Toolbox), you can determine your Docker host's IP address with the command boot2docker ip. If this returns, your URL would be

If you are using Docker Toolbox, the command to determine your Docker host's IP address is

docker-machine ip default

If this returns, your URL would be

Using the container

Start a new R session in a new terminal window. Assuming your server URL is, enter the following at the R prompt:

options(AH_SERVER_POST_URL="") ## used by AnnotationHubData to insert metadata
options(ANNOTATION_HUB_URL="")          ## used by AnnotationHub to get metadata

Replace the URL with your actual URL, of course. These options must be set before loading AnnotationHub and AnnotationHubData.


Now you can run recipes, etc. and the insertions will happen inside the docker container, not in the production database.

Testing the changes

You can interact with the docker db with R or mysql.

R session

To view the docker db from R you must first convert the mysql db to sqlite. From another terminal window do

docker exec -ti annotationhub_annotationhub_1 bash

That will log you in to the annotationhub server container. Then do the following:

cd /AnnotationHubServer3.0/
ruby convert_db.rb 

That will convert the mysql database to sqlite. You can then type


to exit the container, start R and set the variables as described in Using the container. AnnotationHub should recognize that there are changes and download the new sqlite database, but if not you can remove the old one from your cache to trigger a copy.

mysql session

mysql is not exposed to the host, so you need to do this from the mysql machine. Run

docker ps

to see a list of containers that are running. One will have the string 'db' in it. Let's say the full name is 'db1'. Connect to the container with:

docker exec -ti db_1 bash

From within the resulting prompt start mysql and query the db as usual:

mysql --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -u root

When you are satisfied that the changes you have made are correct, you can update the production database (see next section). If you have messed up and you don't want to push your changes to production, you can just exit the container (press Control-C in the window where it is running) and start over again.

Pushing changes to production

You need to back up the database inside the docker container. You can do it like this:

 docker exec annotationhub_annotationhub_1 bash /bin/

Note that annotationhub_annotationhub_1 is the name of the docker container that has the annotation hub server on it; this name may vary, the docker ps command will give you the accurate container name.

Now in the data directory on your local machine, there is a file called annotationhub.sql.gz. Upload this to the production machine.

Log into the production machine and make a backup of production db:

mysqldump --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -u root annotationhub | gzip > dbdump_YYYY_MM_DD_fromProd.sql.gz

Drop the old db and create an empty one:

mysql -p -u root
drop database annotationhub;
create database annotationhub;

Fill the empty with the modified db:

zcat dbdump_YYYY_MM_DD_fromDocker.sql.gz | mysql -p -u root annotationhub