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getting started

Jian Tay edited this page Jun 15, 2021 · 7 revisions

Getting Started

This document will help you get up to speed on installing and running the toolbox.



  1. Download the latest version of the toolbox from the Releases page.
  2. Open the toolbox files (*.mltbx). Your system should prompt you to open the files with MATLAB. Select Install.

(Optional) If MATLAB did not launch automatically, try the following steps:

  1. Launch MATLAB
  2. In MATLAB, navigate to the folder where the downloaded toolbox is saved
  3. Open the toolbox by double-clicking the file in the Current Folder panel then select Install.

Checking if toolbox is installed

You can check that the toolbox was correctly installed by clicking on Add-Ons > Manage Add-Ons in the Home tab. The Linear Assignment Tracking toolbox should appear on the list.


To uninstall the toolbox:

  1. Open the Add-Ons manager by clicking on Add-Ons > Manage Add-Ons in the Home tab
  2. Find the toolbox, and click on ⋮ (vertical ellipsis) to show more options. Select open folder and note the folder location.
  3. Again, click on ⋮ (vertical ellipsis) to show more options and select uninstall.

If you encounter a message saying the some files remain after uninstalling, remove the remaining files by:

  1. Closing MATLAB
  2. Navigate to the Add-Ons/Toolboxes folder (the parent folder from step 2 above) and delete the folder containing the remaining files. The folder should be named after the toolbox.

The default location of the Add-Ons directory is listed here. Alternatively, you can look up the location by clicking on Preferences in the home tab, and then selecting MATLAB > Add-Ons.

Basic Usage

Overview of image analysis pipeline

A typical image analysis pipeline has the following steps:

graph LR
  A[Read image] --> B[Segment objects] --> C[Track objects] --> D[Analyze data]

The code in this toolbox helps with the last two steps (tracking objects and analyzing data). In code, the process would look something like:

%Initialize the LAPLinker object
linker = LAPLinker;

%Adjust properties as necessary
linker.LinkedBy = 'Centroid';  %Link objects by position
linker.LinkCostMetric = 'euclidean'  %Compute straight-line distance 
linker.LinkScoreRange = [0, 50]; %Link objects within 0 - 50 pxs

for frame = 1:numFrames

    %Read in current frame
    I = imread('timelapse.tif', frame);

    %Generate a mask of bright objects
    mask = imbinarize(I);

    %Measure data using regionprops
    data = regionprops(mask, 'Centroid', 'Area');

    %Link objects
    linker = assignToTrack(linker, frame, data);


%Get the TrackArray for data analysis
trackData = linker.tracks;

Note: LAPLinker was written to be compatible with the output of MATLAB's built-in regionprops function, i.e. data to be tracked should be a structure array (struct).

Next steps


If you need additional help using the toolbox, please contact us at

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