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Getting Started

  • Either download the full node software from Releases if you have an ORCID ID, otherwise download just the wallet software
  • See below for installation instructions for your OS.
  • Once installed choose a password for your wallet and press login. Be sure to backup your wallet.dat file to ensure you do not loose access to your wallet.
  • Then login with your ORCID credentials to start earning SciChain cryptocurrency for peer reviewing and adding your own publications to the chain.
  • Use the blockexplorer to view latest blocks as well as chain statistics.

Mac Installation

  • Install Mac package manager homebrew.
  • From brew install GTK3.
  • Download the SciChain application for either OSX-x64 or OSX-Arm from releases.
  • Make the .app bundle executable by opening terminal in the Contents/MacOS folder then run "chmod 755 SciChain"

Windows Installation

  • Install package manager MSYS2. to install package GTK3. (Required for GTK Apps.)
  • Download the SciChain from releases.

Linux Installation

  • Download the latest tarball(tar.gz) from Releases as linux already includes GTK3 package.
  • Extract the tarball and go to the "Glade" folder and select all the glade files and change permissions to read-write.

SciChain - Science Publishing and Peer Review Blockchain

Welcome to SciChain! SciChain is a blockchain-based platform designed to revolutionize the world of science publishing and peer review. With its decentralized and transparent infrastructure, SciChain aims to address the challenges faced by traditional publishing and peer review systems, such as bias, inefficiency, and lack of transparency.

Features: Current and future planned features.

  • Decentralized Publishing SciChain allows researchers to publish their work directly onto the blockchain, eliminating the need for intermediaries such as journals or publishers. This decentralized approach ensures that scientific findings are immediately accessible to the global community without barriers.

Transparent Peer Review

  • Peer review is a crucial step in maintaining the quality and integrity of scientific research. SciChain facilitates transparent peer review by recording the entire review process on the blockchain, including reviewer comments, revisions, and decisions. This transparency enhances accountability and trust in the peer review process.

Immutable Records

  • All published articles and peer review records on SciChain are stored as immutable records on the blockchain. This ensures that scientific findings are permanently recorded and cannot be altered or tampered with, providing a reliable source of information for researchers and scholars.

Token Incentives

  • To incentivize participation in the peer review process, SciChain introduces a token-based reward system. Reviewers and authors are rewarded with tokens for their contributions.

Community Governance : To Be Implemented.

SciChain is governed by its community of users through decentralized decision-making mechanisms. This ensures that the platform evolves in a democratic and inclusive manner, with stakeholders having a say in its development and governance.