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BPA CKAN environment operating under docker

This repo contains the docker stack used for dev, which is a simulated environment using the same containers as in the production CKAN.

You'll need AWS credentials, and make yourself a temporary AWS bucket for development. Use CCG credentials, not BPA credentials.

Make sure that AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_BUCKET_NAME and AWS_STORAGE_PATH are exported. The storage path is just a key prefix CKAN will use when storing data, if you're sharing a bucket with other devs just use your username.

Fire up docker stack using docker-compose, wait until ckan is up and running and then complete the CKAN installation process (initial database migrations and SOLR setup):

$ docker exec -it bpackandocker_ckan_1 /bin/bash
# /etc/ckan/deployment/

The deployment script will ask you to create an admin user and set a password.

You're now up and running. Go to https://localhost:8443 and you should see the CKAN front page. Log in, using the password you set, and click on "admin" at the top right corner. In the sidebar you'll see your API key, note this as you will need it to use the bpa-ingest script.

Ingesting metadata & data

We ingest metadata and data into CKAN using the bpa-ingest script. Grab it from and install into a virtualenv (TODO - containerise this.)

$ virtualenv ./venv/
$ source ./venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -U -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .

Once the software is up, get it to set up a BioPlatforms Australia organisation in your local installation:

$ bpa-ingest -u http://localhost:8080/ -k edf504a5-e96f-4903-bc0a-75c0057aa856 bootstrap 
2016-08-25 11:31:21,457 [DEBUG]  organization/cc5a6adb-1b6f-448b-8d4c-488d140da265: difference on k `description', we have `Bioplatforms Australia enables innovation and collaboration through investments in world class infrastructure and expertise.' vs ckan `'
2016-08-25 11:31:21,457 [DEBUG]  organization/cc5a6adb-1b6f-448b-8d4c-488d140da265: difference on k `display_name', we have `BioPlatforms Australia' vs ckan `bioplatforms-australia'
2016-08-25 11:31:21,457 [DEBUG]  organization/cc5a6adb-1b6f-448b-8d4c-488d140da265: difference on k `image_display_url', we have `' vs ckan `'
2016-08-25 11:31:21,458 [DEBUG]  organization/cc5a6adb-1b6f-448b-8d4c-488d140da265: difference on k `title', we have `BioPlatforms Australia' vs ckan `'
2016-08-25 11:31:21,458 [DEBUG]  organization/cc5a6adb-1b6f-448b-8d4c-488d140da265: difference on k `image_url', we have `' vs ckan `'
2016-08-25 11:31:21,704 [INFO ]  patched organization `bioplatforms-australia'

Ingesting a project

Ingestion loads the metadata and data for a project into CKAN. Objects (CKAN packages and resources) are created via the API. Data is sent via (very large) POST requests to CKAN's API, which in turn streams that data into AWS S3 storage.

For local development, you won't want to ingest any of the large projects (it'll take far too long.) Also note that the nginx container used in local dev is not tuned for large streaming uploads, so you'll encounter timeouts if you try to upload large files.

All of that said, here's how you'd load GBR Amplicons into CKAN:

bpa-ingest -u http://localhost:8080/ -k edf504a5-e96f-4903-bc0a-75c0057aa856 gbr-amplicon /tmp/gbr

Developing against ckan in local docker-compose environment

  • Be aware that:
  • usually you'll develop against 'next_release' git branch in sub-modules, but this overall local container can be committed against master.
  • updates to any sub-modules, e.g., ckan, will require you to rebuild before developing against the updates
docker-compose build ckan
  • You'll need a copy of an environment file (from one of the developers). Source this and then bring up the environment.
source </path/to/your/bpa.env>
docker-compose up
  • You'll need a copy of data (from one of the developers) to ingest before running
docker-compose stop
docker cp </path/to/dumpfilename.dump> dockercompose-bpa-ckan_db_1:/var/lib/postgresql/data/
docker-compose up db
docker-compose exec db bash
# inside the postgres container
pg_restore -Fc -U ckan -d ckan < /var/lib/postgresql/data/dumpfilename.dump
# outside the postgis container
docker-compose stop
docker-compose up
docker-compose exec ckan bash
# inside the CKAN container: fix permissions and so on
# re-index SOLR database
/ paster --plugin=ckan search-index rebuild -c /etc/ckan/default/ckan.ini

NB: The reindex will take some time (so ensure it can run uninterrupted)


Running docker-compose up (after initalisation previously done), docker stack fails - no admin user.

  • Upon bringing up stack again, you may find that the admin user no longer exists, which causes stack to fail. So, after sourcing the env file and bringing up the container, you may have to run through the initial permissions step again:
docker-compose exec ckan bash
# inside the CKAN container: fix permissions and so on

Migrating projects to CKAN

If you look at the bpa-ingest code, you'll see a Python module per project. The code in calls into each submodule to get:

  • a group definition for the project
  • a list of Python dictionaries, describing each 'package'
  • a list of tuples, of a legacy archive URL and a python dictionary, describing each resource ('file')

To migrate a project, the process is fairly simple:

  1. Port the metadata reading code from the bpa-metadata project into a submodule of bpa-ingest. Follow the pattern of the projects already ported across.
  2. Add a new JSON data definition to our CKAN theme. Add this in the ckanext-bpatheme module, tag it and push.
  3. Update the docker-bpa-ckan container, adding the JSON data definition to /etc/ckan/default/, and rebuild.
  4. Run up a stack with the new docker-bpa-ckan container, and give the ingest script a whirl.

The JSON definition is used by ckanext-scheming, see the docs for scheming for more info.

CKAN will only store metadata which has a valid definition in a JSON file. If you run the ingest script several times, and see it continually trying to set certain JSON keys, those almost certainly are missing from the data definition.

Notes on our CKAN environment

We've forked a number of upstream CKAN modules. Most changes have been upstreamed, or a PR has been put in.

A large number of the forks were made because upstream had no tags (other than 'master'), and were made so that we could reproduce our environment.

Simply tagged for tracking of changes

Upgrading SOLR from v5 to v8

If you were previously using this development environment with the older BPA SOLR container with spatial support, you'll need to remove the older named volume used for storing the SOLR cache

docker volume ls

The output should include the old volume, with something similar to:

    local     dockercompose-bpa-ckan_solr28

Run the following command to remove

docker volume rm dockercompose-bpa-ckan_solr28

Run the following command to rebuild the SOLR indexes once you've brought the docker-compose up

docker exec -it dockercompose-bpa-ckan_ckan /bin/bash


/ ckan -c /etc/ckan/default/ckan.ini search-index rebuild -r

Other organisations using CKAN

Pretty much every major government, and almost every Australian state government.