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Sørensen og Balchen Corporate Website

Welcome to the GitHub repository for the Sørensen og Balchen corporate website. This project leverages the power of SvelteKit for a dynamic frontend experience and for streamlined content management.

Key Features


This repository is organized into two main folders: /app and /studio. The /app folder houses the frontend code (SvelteKit), while the /studio folder contains the Sanity Studio code for content management.

Despite being housed in a single repository for ease of access, this is not a monorepo setup. You may consider separating these folders into individual repositories for independent deployment of the app and the studio components.


Getting Started

Follow these steps in both the /app and /studio directories to set up your development environment:

  1. Execute npm install to install the necessary dependencies.
  2. Run npx -y sanity@latest init --env, during this process:
    • Choose or create a Sanity project and dataset. Ensure to use the same Sanity project and dataset for both folders.
    • A .env file will be generated with the necessary environment variables.
    • Alternatively, you can use sanity init --env if you have the CLI installed.
  3. Update your environment variables in the /app folder to include the PUBLIC_ prefix: PUBLIC_SANITY_DATASET and PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID.
  4. Start the development server with npm run dev.

You can now access your SvelteKit app at http://localhost:5173/ and the Sanity Studio at http://localhost:3333/.

Feel free to relocate each of the folders and manage them in separate version control systems if preferred.

Adding Content

  1. Navigate to the Studio to create and publish a new Post document.
  2. Refresh the app page to view the newly rendered content.

You can customize the schema for the Post document within the /studio/schemas folder. Add more documents and schemas to extend the functionality as per your requirements.

Opting Out of TypeScript

If TypeScript is not required for your project, follow these steps:

  1. Run npm install in the repository root to install dependencies.
  2. Execute node remove-typescript.mjs to remove TypeScript configurations and types from both the /app and /studio directories.

Following this, you can delete any files in the repository root, excluding the /studio and /app folders, if you don't plan on using TypeScript.

Deployment Guidelines

The /app and /studio directories are designed to be deployed separately. Here are some guidelines:

  • For deploying the app, we recommend platforms like Vercel for a hassle-free experience.
  • Deploy Sanity Studio by executing sanity deploy within the /studio directory (requires @sanity/cli to be installed globally).

I hope this meets your project's needs! If you have any further customization requests, feel free to ask.