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Repository files navigation Kiosk Frontend

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This repository holds the open source code for Kiosk frontend component.

How do I get set up?

These steps primarily apply to a non-Windows platform, but it is absolutely possible developing on Windows too.

git clone
  • cd into the cloned folder i.e.
cd incy-io-kiosk-frontend
  • Install project dependencies i.e.
yarn install
  • Start the appliaction, defaults to which can be accessed by visiting localhost:3000 i.e.
yarn start


When making pull requests and branches, Jenkins will run an automated CI/CD pipeline, using technologies such as SonarQube, Robot Framework and Selenium, to name a few. This assures a baseline for code quality. Jenkins delivers the CI/CD Pipeline results to GitHub, and this will assist in preventing the merging of suboptimal code into protected branches.

Jenkins Pipeline

An image of the current CI/CD pipeline is presented below

Jenkins CI Pipeline

Running Robot Tests Outside Jenkins

These commands are assumed to be run from the root directory of this repository.

outside docker Start the docker container:

docker run \
    --name jenkins-docker-robot-chrome \
    -v $(pwd):/home/jenkins/incy-io-kiosk-frontend \
    --rm \
    -d \
    --privileged \

outside docker Attach to it:

docker exec -it jenkins-docker-robot-chrome su - jenkins

inside docker Configure PATH and start dev server:

cd incy-io-kiosk-frontend
yarn start &>/dev/null &

inside docker Run robot:

robot -d robot_reports __tests__/robot

outside docker Stop the docker image:

docker stop jenkins-docker-robot-chrome

