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Bitweb Spring Core Test library

Maven Central Quality Gate Status

Given library has helper functions that make it a bit easier to test various functionality.


testImplementation group: 'ee.bitweb', name: 'spring-test-core', version: '2.0.0'

Review available versions in Maven Central.


Mock server

Introducing new class ee.bitweb.http.server.mock.MockServer which enables for easier handling of org.mockserver.integration.ClientAndServer. If registered as a JUnit extension, it will control the typical lifecycle of the ClientAndServer class for each class. Server instance is started on random port and it can be injected to your properties for seamless integration.

Memory footprint

Using MockServer for each test class can and will affect Spring context, since each Mock Server injects own properties into it. This is dirty the context and force Spring to rebuild the context. Contexts are held in a Context Cache. For a large enough application the size of the cache can force the heap memory to run out. Default size of the cache is 32. If you start experiencing memory issues, it is highly advisible to reduce the cache size to 2.
One cache slot is reserved for context that is not dirtied by the test and second one is held for dirtied context. Latter will be overridden in the cache.

To reduce the cache size, create a file in test scope resources directory. Inside that file add property spring.test.context.cache.maxSize=2.

Example of general setup

@SpringBootTest(classes = {TestSpringApplication.class})
class HammasBookingApiCreateBookingTest {

    private static final String PATH = "/v1/booking";

    protected static MockServer server = new MockServer(HttpMethod.POST, PATH);

    static void initProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
        registry.add("booking.api.baseUrl", () -> "http://localhost:" + server.getPort());

Example definition of mock request

                server.requestBuilder(HttpMethod.POST, "/v1/pre-booking")
                        .withBody(new JsonBody(getValidPreBookingCreateRequest(visitTime).toString())),

For reach request mock, you have specify the HTTP method and path where the request will be expected. These parameters can be supplied to constructor as default values, then you don't have to specify these values for every test.

MockMvc Response expectation helpers

Given library provides a set of assertion helpers that correspond to the typical responses defined in Bitweb core library

Structure of response objects are defined in class ee.bitweb.http.api.response.ResponseAssertions. Different validation errors are defined in class ee.bitweb.http.api.response.Error

Example usage:

        ResultActions result = mockMvc.perform(mockMvcBuilder).andDo(print());

Release notes


Update dependencies for Spring Framework 6


Fixed all dependency versions


Fixed Mock Server Netty dependency from 5.+ to 5.14 since 5.15 injects dependency for slf4j 2 which is not supported in many dependants.


Added new builder methods to MockServer class for more convenient usage.


MockServer.mock(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, int times) for subsequent requests to same endpoint with different response expectations


Definitions of Error messages

  • Error.notNull - for when a value is not allowed to be null
  • Error.notBlank - for when a String is not allowed to be empty
  • Error.positiveNumber - for when a number must be positive
  • Error.genericInvalidFormat - for when there is a generic InvalidFormat error
  • Error.invalidTypeRequestParam - for when provided request parameter is of invalid type
  • Error.missingRequestParam - for when there is a missing required request parameter
  • Error.requestPartMissing - for missing multipart in files
  • Error.notEmpty - for when list should not be empty

Definitions of various response assertions

  • ResponseAssertions.assertAccessDeniedResponse - for access denied response
  • ResponseAssertions.assertValidationErrorResponse - for when there is input validation errors
  • ResponseAssertions.assertConstraintViolationErrorResponse - for when there is validation exception of a model
  • ResponseAssertions.assertConflictErrorResponse - for when there is a ConflictException
  • ResponseAssertions.assertNotFoundResponse - for when there is a 404 error response
  • ResponseAssertions.assertMessageNotReadableError - for when there is a malformed input error
  • ResponseAssertions.assertMethodNotAllowedError - for when there is an invalid HTTP method error
  • ResponseAssertions.assertContentTypeInvalidError - for when provided content is of invalid type
  • ResponseAssertions.assertInternalServerError - for generic internal error cases.