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298 lines (246 loc) · 16.5 KB
layout title description nav_order parent permalink redirect_from main_classes image image_base imagesAddContact imagesSupportedFormats imagesMultiAddressContact imagesImportAddress imagesPayInvoice imagesHome imagesReceive imagesActivity imagesOwner
Design reference for a contacts feature in bitcoin wallets.
Daily spending wallet
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Empty contact list screen
Initially, a wallet's contact list is empty. Importing them from the device can be made available.
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Screen asking the user to enter a name for a new contact
All a new contact needs is a name. Other information can be added later.
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A contact with no added information
New contacts can already be assigned to outgoing invoices. But since no address is assigned, no outgoing payments can be made yet.
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Screen asking the user to enter a bitcoin address
Users can manually enter addresses to add.
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Address entry screen with expanded information about supported addresses
Information about supported address formats should be readily available.
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Address entry screen with inline validation for a lightning address
Inline validation lets users know about if addresses are accepted.
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A contact with a lightning address assigned
A contact with a lightning address associated.
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Address entry screen with inline validation for an on-chain address
Particular properties of address types can be pointed out right away.
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A contact with an on-chain address assigned
A contact with an on-chain address attached. Once a payment is made to the address, it disappears from this list as it should only be used once for best privacy.
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Add address screen with a warning users need to accept
You may want to support certain address formats to give users flexibility, but ensure they understand the implications.
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Add address screen showing that an address can't be used
Alternatively, you may not want to support certain formats. Be conscious not to lock users out of making important payments when they need to.
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Add address screen indicating that an address format is not supported
Make sure to recognize unsupported formats with appropriate messaging.
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Contact screen with multiple transactions and addresses
Example of a contact with multiple transactions and addresses.
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Options for editing a contacts screen
Options for editing and organizing the contact.
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Contacts screen in edit mode
Edit mode allows for re-ordering, deleting and renaming addresses.
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Contact screen with an address details modal
Address details and options can be available on tap.
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Modal showing that a lightning address was detected on the clipboard
A modal is shown when an address has been imported via the clipboard or other methods.
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Screen for selecting a contact
The user has tapped "Add contact" and then taps "+" to add a new contact.
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Contact screen with the lightning address assigned
The new contact is created with the address associated.
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Invoice modal with rich details
This invoice includes rich data and the included address was automatically matched to an existing contact.
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Invoice modal with minimal payment details
This is a minimal invoice, no matching contact could be identified.
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Screen with a list of contacts to choose from
Tapping "Link contact" presents the user with a contact list modal.
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Invoice screen with a contact assigned
A basic invoice with an assigned contact.
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Contact with a single transaction assigned
A contact with an assigned transaction, but no re-usable addresses.
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Contact with a transaction and an address assigned
A contact with an assigned transaction and a re-usable address.
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Home screen with amount input
The user enters an amount and taps "Pay".
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Screen with a list of contacts to choose from
Next, the user is asked to choose a contact to send to.
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Invoice screen with a contact assigned
Final review of the payment before sending it.
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Home screen with amount input
The user enters an amount and taps "Request".
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Payment request screen
An invoice screen with minimal information.
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Payment request screen with a contact assigned
The same invoice with a contact assigned.
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Activity screen showing transactions with minimal information
By default, payments contain little to no contextual information.
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Activity screen showing transactions with assigned contacts
Assigning contacts to payments makes them much easier to understand and work with.
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Transaction details
Transaction detail screens should have convenient options to assign a contact.
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Screen with a list of contacts to choose from
The user picks a contact in a slide-up modal.
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Transaction details with assigned contact
A payment with an assigned contact.
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Contact list screen
The wallet owners contact card is shown at the top of the contact list.
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Contact card with internal and external addresses
The card lists addresses provided by the wallet, and allows the user to track external addresses for sharing.

{% include picture.html image = "/assets/images/guide/daily-spending-wallet/contacts/contacts-header.jpg" retina = "/assets/images/guide/daily-spending-wallet/contacts/contacts-header@2x.jpg" mobile = "/assets/images/guide/daily-spending-wallet/contacts/contacts-header-mobile.jpg" mobileRetina = "/assets/images/guide/daily-spending-wallet/contacts/contacts-header-mobile@2x.jpg" alt-text = "Illustration of large contact cards" width = 1600 height = 400 layout = "full-width" %}



Whether we’re sending emails, physical mail, or following someone on social media, we primarily think in terms of names and faces, and not the respective address or user ID.

Invoices, node IDs and other transaction endpoints in bitcoin and lightning are highly unintuitive. Abstracting them via a contact list can create a much smoother user experience. There are many [payment request formats]({{ '/guide/how-it-works/payment-request-formats/' | relative_url }}), each with unique properties and varying levels of maturity and adoption, requiring unique design solutions. This page uses the more approachable term "address", along with various UI techniques, to abstract these complexities for users.

Let's go over common user interactions around managing contacts. This will illustrate how such a feature could work, and helps explain the underlying design problems and decisions.

* Table of contents {:toc}

Adding a contact

The most basic interaction is that a user manually adds a contact by entering their name and an address. This is likely not the most common user flow, as most contacts will be created with incoming payment requests, as illustrated further below. But wallets should generally support manual options, as users may not be able to avoid them.

{% include image-gallery.html pages = page.imagesAddContact %}

You may choose to require [user verification]({{ '/guide/daily-spending-wallet/security/#preventing-unwanted-access' | relative_url }}) (like PIN entry) when adding or updating contacts. This reduces the risk that contact information is tampered with and payments are sent to wrong addresses.

Contact editing

The contacts screen should offer various features for editing and organization.

{% include image-gallery.html pages = page.imagesMultiAddressContact %}

Importing an address

This scenario can be initiated by copying a lightning address to the clipboard, scanning a QR code, or tapping a payment link (see [payment entry points]({{ '/guide/daily-spending-wallet/sending/#payment-entry-points' | relative_url }})). An address is passed into the application and, where it's recognized and appropriate options are shown to the user. In the example below, the user adds the address as a new contact.

{% include image-gallery.html pages = page.imagesImportAddress %}

Importing a payment request

This sequence is similar to the one above. The difference is that a payment request was passed into the application, which contains different data and also includes a specific user action, and therefore requires different user flows. The one below shows how a user has scanned a payment request and assigns a contact to the payment.

Some payment request formats may include an address that can receive repeatedly. In this case, the address is added to the contact for future use. For [single use payment requests]({{ '/guide/daily-spending-wallet/requesting/' | relative_url }}), only the payment is linked.

Payment requests may also contain recipient names. These can be used to suggest the name for a new contact to the user. Names can be spoofed, so they should not be automatically assigned without user approval.

{% include image-gallery.html pages = page.imagesPayInvoice %}

Note that automating matching of contacts to payment requests is a sensitive matter. If it cannot be based on unspoofable identifiers, then users should have to review and approve the match.

Sending from the home screen

Initiating a payment can be as simple as entering an amount and tapping a contact that has a re-usable address associated. Otherwise, an extra step is needed to manually enter a destination address.

{% include image-gallery.html pages = page.imagesHome %}

Adding a contact to an outgoing invoice

Contacts can also be assigned to invoices that will be paid by others.

{% include image-gallery.html pages = page.imagesReceive %}

Adding a contact to a completed payment

When browsing the [activity]({{ '/guide/daily-spending-wallet/activity/' | relative_url }}) screen, users may come across payments they want to assign contacts to. While applications should try to automatically make connections between payments and contacts by matching addresses, this is not possible oftentimes.

{% include image-gallery.html pages = page.imagesActivity %}

A contact card for the wallet owner

Most contact books include a special card for the user. It is typically shown at the top of the contact list, and used for quick sharing with others. In addition to listing any addresses your wallet provides, you might choose to let users enter external addresses from other wallets for convenience.

{% include image-gallery.html pages = page.imagesOwner %}

Using contacts in context

Contacts are closely intertwined with [sending]({{ '/guide/daily-spending-wallet/sending/' | relative_url }}), [requesting]({{ '/guide/daily-spending-wallet/requesting/' | relative_url }}), and the [activity]({{ '/guide/daily-spending-wallet/activity/' | relative_url }}) screen. When designing these user flows, pay close attention to how they connect. The less convenient it is for users to assign contacts, the less likely they are to use this feature and the higher the chance that they are exposed to the complexities of the various payment request formats.

Your application should also try to provide convenient backup for contacts, for example, via [automatic cloud backup]({{ '/guide/daily-spending-wallet/backup-and-recovery/cloud-backup/' | relative_url }}).

Supporting various payment request formats

Based on your use case, your application may choose to only support certain payment request formats. It should still recognize all formats, and provide the user with appropriate feedback. You may also choose to add warnings before permitting use of certain formats if there are privacy and security risks the user should be aware of.

Below are different examples of how you can communicate around the type of support your application provides for different formats.

{% include image-gallery.html pages = page.imagesSupportedFormats %}

The next section looks at [security considerations]({{ '/guide/daily-spending-wallet/privacy/' | relative_url }}) when designing a daily spending wallet.

{% include next-previous.html previousUrl = "/guide/daily-spending-wallet/activity/" previousName = "Activity" nextUrl = "/guide/daily-spending-wallet/security/" nextName = "Security" %}