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First Timers

Sherief Elsowiny edited this page Jan 3, 2022 · 7 revisions


We're very glad you chose to check out our organization and see you're also a first timer!
Don't worry though, everybody starts somewhere and in fact Github is one of the most inclusive spaces
with Black Axe extending that warm hospitality.

Whether you're new to programming, Github, or Black Axe, we will find a spot for you to contribute!

We are very inclusive and offer resources to help with all aspects of your development journey or maybe just even life!

Open source doesn’t have to be scary!

You could make a change fixing a typo and we will forever be grateful that you took the time and energy to do so.
We respect your time and energy and value open source collaboration.
We put humans first and want to provide a warm welcoming environment where messing up is not only acceptable but encouraged!
We learn from our mistakes and do not want to ever deter anyone from ever participating.

Learning Resources

We've created a list of resources to use to expand your programming skills

Starting out

To get started with your first ever contribution to Black Axe we created a first timers repository to start with the Github workflow.

What you will do in this is mimic what a realistic Github flow would look like. This includes the following:

  • Creating an issue
  • Discussing/Collaborating a solution for that issue
  • Cloning the repo
  • Branching
  • Adding your changes
  • Creating a pull request
  • Have your pull request approved
  • View changes in main repo!

Step 1

Our first issue!

Uh-oh! Looks like we have an issue! What may that be? Well it looks like our special repository is missing your precious work! Hmm, how can we raise this issue? Click here and fill out the form and submit the new issue!

Step 2


Now we need to clone the repo to begin working on it. Github does a better job of explaining how to clone a repo, but in essence this is exactly what is sounds like. To make this as easy as possible, you can use Github Desktop which is very effective! Here is a link to download if you choose to use the GUI version of Github. GitHub Desktop

Step 3


Branching allows developers to work independently on their code in their own contained repo. Creating a branch is easy and can be done intuitively in Github desktop. If you need help just follow this

Make sure to create a branch labeled as your name

Step 4

Adding your work

This is easy! Make sure to create a directory with your Github username inside the community code directory. From there, you can add pre-existing Github code via adding it as as submodule. If you want to opt to something more manual, you can simply drag in your code/files to the directory instead.

Step 5

Letting Git track

Now we just need to keep track of this change and commit your changes! If using Github desktop this is pretty easy and you can just intuitively follow, and commit your changes with your name and description. You should also make sure to fetch the latest updates in case there is missing work, but for the most part, nobody would be really altering your own directory.

Step 6

Pushing our changes

To learn more about Github pushes. Here we will now push our changes to the repository, before opening a pull request for our new branch! Again, if using GH Desktop, this should be pretty easy!

Step 7

Creating our pull request

Follow this guide as it highlights the best way to create a pull request. We included a template inside the pull request to make it even easier for you! If you did everything up to now, you can also just click here and compare your branch.

Step 8

Wait for the branch to be merged

!! This should be quick !!

Step 9

Welcome to the open source community, fellow open source contributor


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Link to badge
Welcome to the club! 😎😎😎😎