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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 11, 2023. It is now read-only.

A webshop-like assistant for finding compatible smart home products

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Smarthome Webshop Assistant

A webshop-like assistant for choosing compatible smart home products.

SHWA constitutes the practical part of my bachelor’s thesis. Built upon Vue, Vite, Bootstrap, and standard web technologies, it is my first real venture into web development.

The developed webapp will indefinitely be hosted on GitHub Pages under

Repository structure

This repository follows the standard Vite structure.

  ├─.github/workflows        GitHub Actions workflow configuration
  ├─.vscode                  Recommended extensions for VS Code
  ├─public                   Files to be copied to the webserver root unchanged
  │  ├─scripts               For dealing with product JSONs and GitHub Pages deployment
  │  └─products              Product JSONs, human-readable
  │    └─packed              Product JSONs, compressed
  │  ├─assets                Various assets to be shipped with the webapp
  │  │  ├─default_setups     Pre-made home setups for the app
  │  │  └─javascript         JavaScript modules
  │  ├─components            Vue single-file-components
  │  ├─App.vue               Webapp root
  │  └─main.js               Webapp logic entry point
  ├─stores                   Pinia store definitions
  ├─index.html               The main HTML file hosting the Vue webapp
  ├─package-lock.json        Auto-generated list of all dependencies (ensures same package versions)
  ├─package.json             Direct project dependencies
  └─vite.config.js           Vite build configuration

Future work / TODOs

A short bullet point list of things to still be implemented can be found in the file.