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This repository constains the Assignments and there solutions for my CSE231 Operating Systems course in Monsoon Semester 2022.

There were 4 Assignments throughout the course and can be found in the $Assignments$ directory. There are individual directories for each Assignment.


I have written the code to input and then output a string and a number in assembly

The codebase tries to simulate some basic commands in a linux kernel like:

  • cd
  • pwd
  • echo
  • date
  • rm
  • ls
  • cat
  • mkdir

The program can be executed from main file after compliling use the Makefile in the same folder

The first part of assignment involves running processes in a linux kernel using Threads and Forks, and timing the change in runtimes when using different priority values and scheduling policies.

The second question involves adding a syscall to the linux kernel to copy a 2D matrix from user. A diff can be found for changes made for same along with code to test it.

The first question deals with the Dining Philosophers Problem, further details about the implementation can be found in the folder's README file

For the second question, I wrote code to perform Inter-Process Communication in linux using FIFO, Shared Memory and Sockets. More information can be found in the folders README file

For the third question, I wrote a simple linux kernel module to display information about current running processes. More information can be found in the folders README file