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BTCPAY-Shopify Bridge

Imagine a world where you can pay on your favorite Shopify store using your Bitcoins...
This world is now real !


Before next steps, follow theses instructions :

  1. In your BTCPayServer store you need to check "Allow anyone to create invoice"
  2. In Shopify Settings > Payment Providers > Manual Payment Methods add one which contains "Bitcoin with BTCPayServer"
  3. In Shopify Settings > Checkout > Additional Scripts input the following script, with the details from your BTCPayServer :
{% assign BTCPAY_URL = "FILL_HERE" %} {% assign STORE_ID = "FILL_HERE" %} {%
assign alreadySuccess = false %} {% for transaction in checkout.transactions %}
{% if transaction.status == 'success' %} {% assign alreadySuccess = true %} {%
endif %} {% endfor %} {% if alreadySuccess %}

  .content-box__row.text-container.content-box__row.text-container.content-box__row.text-container {
    display: none !important;

  .content-box:first-child {
    display: none !important;

{% endif %}

  const STORE_ID = "{{ STORE_ID }}";
<script src="{{BTCPAY_URL}}/modal/btcpay.js"></script>
<script src="{{BTCPAY_URL}}/shopify/btcpay-browser-client.js"></script>
<script src="{{BTCPAY_URL}}/shopify/btcpay-shopify-checkout.js"></script>

  const STATUS = {{ alreadySuccess }};

  function detailsChanger() {
      if(!document.querySelectorAll('#main-header')[0] || !document.querySelector('.content-box__row.text-container')) {
          setTimeout(detailsChanger, 100);
      document.querySelectorAll('#main-header')[0].innerHTML = "Success !";

  } else {
      console.log('not success')

  let iframeState = false;

  setInterval(() => {
    if(iframeState && !document.querySelector('iframe[name="btcpay"]')) {

    iframeState = !!document.querySelector('iframe[name="btcpay"]');
  }, 100);

Step 1 :

You must have NodeJs and NPM already installed on your favorite computer / server

git clone
cd ./btcpay-shopify-bridge
npm install

Step 2 :

Rename the .env.example file in .env

Step 3 :

Into your shell, write and execute this command :
node -p "require('btcpay').crypto.generate_keypair().getPrivate('hex')"
Copy and past the string result after the BTCP_KEY= in your .env

Step 4 :

Go into your BTCPay panel and go to your store settings > access token.
Then, create new token and request pairing (and approve).

Step 5 :

Now copy and replace the 1,2 and 3 by the following informations :

  • 1 = The BTCPAY server URL
  • 2 = The string you just generated (BTCP_KEY)
  • 3 = The pairing code generated after the step 4

BTCPAY_URL=1 BTCPAY_KEY=2 BTCPAY_PAIRCODE=3 node -e "const btcpay=require('btcpay'); new btcpay.BTCPayClient(process.env.BTCPAY_URL, btcpay.crypto.load_keypair(Buffer.from(process.env.BTCPAY_KEY, 'hex'))).pair_client(process.env.BTCPAY_PAIRCODE).then(console.log).catch(console.error)"

On windows !

node -e "const BTCPAY_URL = '1', BTCPAY_KEY = '2', BTCPAY_PAIRCODE = '3'; const btcpay=require('btcpay'); new btcpay.BTCPayClient(BTCPAY_URL, btcpay.crypto.load_keypair(Buffer.from(BTCPAY_KEY, 'hex'))).pair_client(BTCPAY_PAIRCODE).then(console.log).catch(console.error)"

Then you will have the merchant code, you have to copy and past it in the .env for the MERCHANT=

Step 6

Fill the BTCPAY_URL= and SHOPIFY_PREFIX= values

Step 7

On your Shopify Store Back office > Application > manage privates apps > create private app

And toggle the orders section into read and write

Step 8

Then you can copy and past your Shopify application API Key to SHOPIFY_KEY= and the password to SHOPIFY_PASSWORD=

Step 9

You can edit the order prefix with ORDER_PREFIX=, by default the prefix is #

Step 10 and final step

Run the app with : node ./app.js or use pm2 to run the app in the background.

Step 10 and final step in the background

Install pm2 : npm install pm2 -g or sudo npm install pm2 -g

And run the app : pm2 start ./app.js

And enjoy your life ;)

BlackSwan Paris



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