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Releases: BlaineMoore/s3-secure-url


04 Jun 19:53
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This release adds the ability to choose any S3-Compatible Server as an endpoint, not just AWS US-East 1 (

There is a new setting on the options page that lists the AWS and Wasabi endpoints that are currently available. If none is chosen, it will gracefully default to so updating the plugin will not break current installations and everything will work exactly as before.

You may also enter a custom end point, so if you wish to use an S3-Compatible Server that is not included in the dropdown, just enter the server URL on the options page.


18 Dec 22:45
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Added the new urlformat parameter to the [s3secureurl] shortcode which accepts one of 3 arguments:

  1. domain : This will force it to use the provided bucket name as a domain name
  2. folder : This will force it to use the provided bucket name as a subfolder of
  3. default: This can be anything (or no argument provided) in which case it will try to determine if the bucket name is a resolvable URL based on a regular expression and if so it will treat it as a domain, otherwise as a folder. In cases where it guesses wrong, you'll have to explicitly tell it what to do.

The problem is that SSL isn't working right for the bucket subdomains anymore.


31 Jul 19:10
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Updates to prevent warnings and errors in modern PHP versions, and to work w/existing code using the file parameter instead of the target parameter.