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Fourth Quarter Project: HexagonTable


Our goal for this proeject was to create a table that would detect touch, and light up individual hexagons based on the location of the touch.

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  • Birch wood (hexagons and outline of circles)
  • Hot glue
  • The laser
  • Epoxy
  • Wires
  • Capacitive touch sensors
  • LED strips


  • Solder a raspberry pi
  • Solder the corresponding wires to the right spots on the sensor and LEDs
  • Test what does and does not set off the sensor
  • Print individual hexagons and circles
  • Hot glue LED strips to outside of circles
  • Hot glue the sensor to inside of circle
  • Place individual hexagons (circles glued to top) into a mold
  • Pour epoxy into mold around the hexagons
  • Connect all corresponding wires to bread board in correct areas
  • Code the raspberry pi so that wires connect the LEDs and sensors


  • We went through multiple prototypes testing what would and wouldn't work
  • Many of the learning experiences we went through was by learning the hard way.
  • Our inspiration for this table was a video that made the table using a CNC machine. Because we were short of time, we were unable to use our CNC machine, and as a result we needed to come up with a different idea. This is what led to our multiple prototypes and failures.
  • Over all the project went well and we succeded in making a product similar to what our original idea was. In the future we want to make the actual table using the CNC machine and we will learn from our struggles in this project.


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