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Console Commands

BlazingTwist edited this page Jun 16, 2023 · 3 revisions
Command Input Description
Achievement clan set [taskID] sets a clan achievement
Achievement set [taskID] <points> sets an achievement
Achievement set web [taskID] sets an achievement using the webserver (and gets reward)
AssetBundle list [assetPath] lists all the assets in a local AssetBundle
AssetBundle load asset [assetPath] [assetName] loads an asset from a local AssetBundle
AssetBundle load scene [assetPath] <sceneIndex> loads a scene from a local AssetBundle
AssetBundle unload unloads all loaded assetBundle assets
BuildInfo prints build information to console
Cogs load loads into the 'cogs' mini-game
Cogs unlock unlocks all levels in the 'cogs' mini-game
Coins add [amount] adds coins and (supposedly) syncs with the server
Consumable add [consumable] adds a consumable to the game
Consumable chart [show] shows/hides the probability charts of consumables
Consumable list prints all available consumables
DailyBonus <day> sets the dailyBonus acquired after the next restart
DailyQuest show tries opening the DailyQuest UI
Debug SceneObjects toggles (delete/create) sceneObjects
Debug delete player prefs deletes ALL player prefs
Debug fix resets avatar-state and UI - tries to clear soft-locks
Debug info [show] shows/hides debug info ui
Debug memDump <fileName> Dumps the memory to a file
Debug memWarn triggers a low memory warning - forces memory cleanup, lowers rendered player-count...
Debug particles [enable] enables/disables all particleSystems
Debug unload unloads all unused assets
DebugMask [mask] [add/clear] adds or clears a UtDebug._Mask
DeletePlayerPrefs [keyName] deletes a key from the player prefs
FieldGuide unlock [unlock] unlocks/locks the field guide
Fish poleID [poleID] sets the fishing pole id for the next fishing attempt
Fish rank [rank] sets the fish rank for the next fish
Fish rodPower [rodPower] sets the rodPower for the next fishing attempt
Fish weight [weight] sets the fish weight for the next fish
FrameRate <show> shows / hides the framerate ui
FrameRate degrade <enable> enables/disables the auto-degrade feature of the FPS UI
FrameRate refresh recomputes FrameRate stats
GPU stats Prints GPU stats to console
GlowUI opens the GlowUI (clientSide glow effects)
IncredibleMachine load loads into the 'IncredibleMachine' mini-game
IncredibleMachine unlock unlocks all levels in the 'IncredibleMachine' mini-game
Inventory ItemID <show> shows / hides ItemIDs in the Inventory
Inventory add [itemID] <quantity> <updateServer> adds an Item to the Inventory
Inventory add battle item [itemID] <quantity> <tier> adds 'BattleItems' to the inventory
Inventory add range [idStart] [idEnd] <updateServer> adds one item of each itemID in the specified range to the inventory
Inventory clear clears the avatar's inventory
Inventory dumpItemData [idStart] [idEnd] <batchSize> tries to load the specified item IDs and dumps their data to the logFile (as errors)
Inventory dumpItemStates [idStart] [idEnd] <batchSize> tries to load the specified item IDs and dumps their itemStates to the logFile (as errors)
Inventory remove [itemID] <quantity> <updateServer> removes an Item from the Inventory
Inventory save saves the avatar's inventory
Lab Experiment Get Gets the active lab experiment
Lab Experiment Set [experimentID] <isNatural> Sets the active lab experiment (for this session only)
Level get prints the current level name (name of the active scene)
Level load [level] load a specified level
Level set lighting <lightColor> <lightIntensity> <lightDirection> set the lighting in the current scene
MMO Info prints info on the current MMO state
MMO Users [show] shows / hides the MMO userList
MemProfiler Opens the MemProfiler
Mission Accept [missionID] Accepts a Mission
Mission DumpData [missionIDs] dumps detailed mission data for mission IDs (root missions only, sub-missionIDs get converted to root missions)
Mission DumpIDs <outputFileName> dumps basic info on all missions, use this to gather mission IDs
Mission Fail <fail> enables/disables automatic mission failing
Mission Init initializes the MissionManager
Mission Reset resets the MissionManager
Mission Save <save> enables/disables mission saving
Mission SyncDB <syncDB> enables/disables database synchronisation
Mission Unlock <unlock> when enabled, missions ignore all locking-constraints (e.g. winter-missions become available during summer)
Mystery Chest SpawnAll <spawnAll> enables/disables spawning of all Mystery Chests
Pet Get <type> <age> <gender> creates a pet of specified type
Pet Release releases the active pet
Pet State prints debug info of the active pet
Player addXP [type] [amount] adds rank points of specified type
Player getXP [type] prints rank points of specified type
Player setDisplayName [name] sets the viking's DisplayName
Quality [increase] <applyExpensiveChanges> modifies the (graphics) quality settings
Screenshot take a screenshot without UI
Server get info prints all the relevant info for communicating with the servers
ServerTime add [duration] adds a time offset to the serverTime and disables timeHack prevention
ServerTime get prints the current ServerTime
ServerTime reset resets the ServerTime and re-enables timeHack prevention
Store DumpData [idStart] [idEnd] tries to load the specified StoreIDs and dumps them to the logFile (as errors)
Task Complete [TaskID] Completes an active Task
Task Console [show] shows / hides the Task Console
Task Details [taskID] prints details of the given task
Tutorial complete [name] completes the specified tutorial
Tutorial reset <name> resets all or the specified tutorial
TweakData [show] shows/hides Input TweakData
Unload dt bundles unloads bundles loaded previously
avatar clear data clears the avatarData (parts)
avatar fix tries to fix the avatar by reloading the model without version/head information
avatar get position <makePreviousPosition> prints the avatar's current position to the console
avatar part info prints info on all equipped avatar parts
avatar save data calls the AvatarData.Save function
avatar set speed [speed] sets the avatar speed
avatar set stat [part] [statID] [value] sets the statValue of a worn part
avatar show state prints information on the avatar's state
avatar show userID prints the userID to console
avatar teleport back teleports the avatar to the 'previous' position
avatar teleport camera teleports the avatar to the main-camera
avatar teleport object [object name] <distance> teleports the avatar to a given object
avatar teleport position <x> <y> <z> teleports the avatar to a given position
avatar update flyingData invokes the avatar's 'OnUpdateAvatar' function
check console pass [password] compare your password to the stored one
config reload reloads the config file
console clear clears the console output
console config reload reloads the console config file
help list all available commands
help mdFormat prints all commands in a md-table format
joyAim [enable] enables / disables AvAvatarController.mAimControlMode
level runToggleScript [scriptName] <mode> <verbose> <accuracy> execute a toggleScript (enables/disables objects in the scene)
loadEmptyScene loads into an empty scene
pet age get prints the age of the active pet
pet age set [age] <save> <resetSkills> sets the age of the active pet
pet color set [primary] [secondary] [tertiary] <saveData> sets the color of the pet
pet color setf [primary] [secondary] [tertiary] <saveData> sets the color of the pet
pet meter get [meterType] prints the meterValue of the active pet
pet meter set [meterType] <meterValue> <forceUpdate> sets the meterValue of the active pet
speed data <show> shows / hides the Speed Data UI
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