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Release v1.1.3

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@BlendingJake BlendingJake released this 30 Mar 00:15
· 12 commits to master since this release
  • 1.1.3
    • Changed the behavior of Query(""), from returning the fallback value, to returning the source data element itself.
      For example, Query("").single(data) == data.
    • Added SpecialNotFoundError, which is raised when an invalid special is queried. Can be imported as
      from jtools import SpecialNotFoundError
    • Added new specials
    • $store_as(name) Store the current query value in the current context for later use in the query. This does not
      change the underlying data being queried.
    • $group_by(key="", count=false) Take an incoming list and group the values by the specified key.
      Any valid JQL query can be used for the key, so "" means the value itself. The result by default will be
      keys to a list of values. However, if count=true, then the result will be keys to the number of elements with each
    • $sort(key="", reverse=false) Sort an incoming list of values by a given key which can be any valid JQL query.
      By default, key="" means the top-level value will be sorted on.
    • $dict Take an incoming list of (key, value) pairs and make a dict out of them.
    • $join_arg(arg, sep=', ') Similar to $join except this operates on an argument instead of the query value.
      Essentially a shortened form of $inject(arg).$join(sep).
    • Changed the underlying special function definition to now include the keyword argument context. This argument is
      implemented to only be accessed by name to avoid collision if the user provides too many arguments in their query.
      The purpose of the context is to support specials adding values temporarily to the data
      namespace of the query, like $store_as does.