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This is specific environment we use for running Solidity tests in the form of a Docker image that you can download and run on your project.

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Testing Env for your Smart Contracts Audit

This is specific environment we use for running Solidity tests in the form of a Docker image that you can download and run on your project.


  • Smart contracts
  • Docker installed and running (as a daemon)

Typical environment we use for testing

  • Environment

    • Ethereum blockchain
    • Solidity, Truffle
    • Mocha/Chai as testing framework
  • Projects folders

    • /contracts folder with smart contracts
    • /test folder with tests
  • Project files:

    • Migration.sol, 1_initial_migration.js, 2_deploy_contracts.js for truffle migration
    • truffle.js with networks settings
    • package.json with dependencies and scripts
  • Networks

    • Testrpc, Ganache or Parity for testing
    • Kovan/Ropsten/Rinkeby testnetwork with Infura

Installation and running

  1. Download/clone/fork this repository.
  • Copy npm commands from this repo's package.json to your project.
  • Copy from this repo to your project.
  • Go to you project folder that contains /contracts and /test folders.
    • Run npm run blaTest for dynamic testing

    • Run npm run blaCoverage for test coverage report

    • Run npm run blaGas for gas spending report

    • Run npm run blaAll for simultaneous testing. Results will be printed to the same named files in the /audit folder

    • Run npm run blaPlay to have your playground inside the container

      There are VI and nano editors installed, so, feel free to change something, help yourself, its all yours.
      Press Cntrl-D to exit container.

Each run of these commands will create new Docker container, copy your contracts and tests from the project directory to the container’s volume and then run tests in our typical testing environment. Containers are self destroying on exit.

Updating your environment configuration

If your tests are not working in our environment, we need to figure out Why and change the environment. It will take some time. You can save that (paid) time and update the configuration by yourself:

  1. Go to the /docker folder.
  • Update the package.json with new dependencies from your package.json, but keep it clean from unused dependencies (such as frontend packages, webpack configs and so on).
  • Check dockerfile and update it if needed.
  • Build new docker image: docker build -t yourcompanyname/projectname . from /docker folder. (don't forget ".")
  • Check that new Docker image is ready by running it in your project folder: docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/contracts:/audit/contracts -v $(pwd)/test:/audit/test yourcompanyname/projectname with parameters you need.

Send us your configuration

We will rebuild the Docker image by ourselves, so please send us:

  • dockerfile (or files)
  • package.json
    • only dependencies for the testing, not all of your dependencies
    • your package.json scripts section
  • truffle.js with your networks congiguration

Push it back to the Github if you forked this repo before or achive it with zip/tar.

Send us the link to that commit (or .zip file)


This is specific environment we use for running Solidity tests in the form of a Docker image that you can download and run on your project.






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