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First version of our R&D project about Starknet's multisig

⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️

This repo contains highly experimental code which relies on other highly experimental code. Expect rapid iteration. Do not use in production.

Thanks to Sam Barnes for creating the initial multisig code and offering it available.


Current Version

This is the first version of our work regarding a multisig smart contract on Starknet.

It is currently a smart contract that needs other contract accounts (OpenZeppelin, ArgentX) to interact with it.

The multisig can be extended with spending limit rules configured with :

  • owner: The owner of the multisig that has privilegied rights. (All owners if set to 0).
  • to: The recipient of the transaction. (All addresses if set to 0).
  • num_confirmations_required: Number of confirmations required for the specific transaction.
  • asset: The ERC20 token you want to set a spending limit for (Currently restricted to OZ standard ERC20 token).
  • allowed_amout: The amount of asset the rule authorizes the owner to spend.

Each transaction now must be linked with a spending limit (but default treshold is accessible with default rule id = 0)

The repository contains:

  • Cairo contract code
  • Unit tests for testing all the multisig functionnality (written using pytest)


  • Frontend for first version
  • Additional functionalities for first version:
    • Fees paiement by the multisig contract (don't know if it's possible - a sort of meta-transaction)
  • Explore Contract Abstraction to implement a multisig Account Contract in a second version


Set up the project

Clone the repository (spending limits branch for now)

git clone -b spending_limit_rules

Create a Python virtual environment

source ~/cairo_venv/bin/activate

Install packages - Automatic way

The following command will install the packages according to the configuration file requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install packages - Manual way

Install the following packages

pip install ecdsa fastecdsa sympy

On Mac, you will have to first install gmp

brew install gmp

If you have errors installing these packages please refer to those issues : Issue 1 Issue 2

Install pytest

pip install pytest pytest-asyncio


Compile the cairo files

nile compile
nile compile contracts/account/Account.cairo --account_contract

Run corresponding tests from root folder

make tests

For BCP - devs

  • Change amount related variables from felt to Uint256
  • Add blacklist system
  • Add more tests in
  • Do researchs to know if it's possible to let the multisig pay the transaction fees
  • Think about a timer to reset the rules (if we want to implement something like this)


First version of our R&D project about Starknet's multisig






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