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Registering A Client

Matt Bierner edited this page May 11, 2015 · 1 revision

All applications that wish to perform actions on behalf of a user must first be registered with Blot're. Here, we'll register a simple client application for testing purposes.

Managing Clients

Log into the account you will use for development and go to

Client index page

This page lists all the client applications that you own and allows you to manage them.

Creating a New Client

In this case, we have no application, so let's create one. Click on Create new client.

Create new client

All registered client applications must provide the following:

  • Name - A human readable name that identifies your application. This is shown to users on the authorization page.
  • Blurb - A short description of your application.
  • Uri - A http or https link that provides more information about your application, this is also shown on the authorization page and allows users to learn more about your app.

Enter information about your client and click create. You should now see the new client application listed at

Created new client

Client Management

Back on, click on your newly created client. This brings up the client information page.

New client

Clients registered with Blot're are like accounts for applications. And, like user accounts, each client has a username (aka client Id) and a password (aka client secret). These are used to authenticated your application against Blot're. Both the client Id and secret can be found on this page. Blot're generates these values when you register a new client.

Guard your client secret. If it is compromised, anyone can impersonate your application. If you feel that your client secret has been compromised, click the regenerate button to get a new one. Any applications using the old information will no longer work.

Editing Redirects

To receive user authorization, our client will first display a page hosted on Blot're to the user. After the user has either allowed or denied access to our client app, Blot're needs to send the results back to your server. But we don't want to send these credentials just anywhere, so each client must provide one or more valid authorization redirect urls.

On your client page you enter up to 10 valid http or https redirects for a client

New client with redirects

Our new client now is fully registered and ready to be used for authorization.