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Matt Bierner edited this page Apr 17, 2015 · 10 revisions

Blot're provides a web socket based subscriptions API that allows your app to receive realtime event notifications. Subscriptions allow Blot're to push data to your app and are the preferred method of monitoring changes.

Subscriptions only provide change data. To sync the initial state of a stream take a look at the REST or web socket response API. The response API in particular is interesting, as you can make the API calls over the same web socket you use to manage subscriptions.



    "type": "Subscribe",
    "to": [STREAM_URLS...] 

Subscribe to events on one or more streams. This includes StatusUpdated, ChildAdded, ChildRemoved, and StreamDeleted events for the streams.

Subscriptions noop if the requested stream does not exist or if a subscription to the stream already exists. Subscriptions are not ref counted internally.

Each socket is limited to 256 active subscriptions.


    "type": "Unsubscribe",
    "to": [STREAM_URLS...] 

Unsubscribe from events on one or more streams.

Because subscriptions are not ref counted, Unsubscribe stops all updates, even if Subscribe was called multiple times for a stream.


    "type": "Subscribe",
    "to": STREAM_URL 

Subscribes to child collection events on a stream. This includes the ChildAdded and ChildRemoved events for the target stream, as well as all child StatusChanged events. The stream's own StatusChange events are not part of this stream.

Follows the same rules as Subscribe.

Each socket is limited to 8 active collection subscriptions.


    "type": "Subscribe",
    "to": STREAM_URL 

Unsubscribes from child collection events on a stream.

Follows the same rules as Unsubscribe



    "type": "StatusUpdate",
    "from": STREAM_URI,
    "status": STATUS,

The status of stream from has changed.

  "type": "StatusUpdate",
  "from": "user1/child1",
  "status": {
    "color": "#0000ff",
    "created": 1429160419760,
    "poster": "552f24f33004785713de674e"
  "source": null


    "type": "ChildAdded",
    "from": STREAM_URI,
    "child": ADDED_CHILD,

child was added as a child of STREAM_URI.

  "type": "ChildAdded",
  "from": "user1",
  "child": {
    "id": "552f5caa3004ce448e1e19a2",
    "name": "interesting_stream",
    "uri": "user2/interesting_stream",
    "created": 1429167274609,
    "updated": 1429167274609,
    "status": {
      "color": "#aaaaaa",
      "created": 1429167274609,
      "poster": "552f24f33004785713de674e"
    "owner": "552f24f33004785713de674e"
  "source": null


    "type": "ChildAdded",
    "from": STREAM_URI,
    "child": REMOVED_CHILD_URI,

child was removed as a child of STREAM_URI.

  "type": "ChildRemoved",
  "from": "user1",
  "child": "user2/interesting_stream",
  "source": null


    "type": "StreamDeleted",
    "from": STREAM_URI,

Stream from has been deleted.

  "type": "StreamDeleted",
  "from": "user2/interesting_stream",
  "source": null
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